How To Prepare Chicken Cannelloni

More than a delicious recipe, chicken cannelloni are distinguished by their simplicity and speed of preparation, they can indeed be enjoyed on any occasion.

We will teach you in this article several things about the preparation of chicken cannelloni. This might surprise you a bit, but chicken, due to its versatility, is truly the meat variety that endures in all cultures.

It is interesting that, without a doubt, chicken meat implies innovation, creativity and the desire to make delicious and healthy dishes. We find these characteristics in this recipe which is timely to save time and feed as it should.

With all the responsibilities, the daily stress load and the need to get home quickly, the energy to undertake new activities is lacking. You have to learn how to deal with it though: what better option than making chicken cannelloni?

One of the most remarkable and extraordinary aspects of this recipe is that the filling can be made with whatever ingredients you like the most. No ingredient that you cannot tolerate will therefore go into this recipe, which makes it all the more appetizing.

For example, to illustrate this aspect, in addition to the vegetable garnish, one can add other kinds of meat, fish, and other leftovers that you have in the refrigerator and that you do not know how to use.

This recipe is very healthy for your health, which is why today Improve Your Health recommends that you take an interest in it and make this preparation. It has several points in its favor: it is easy to make, does not involve complicated steps, and from preparation to tasting while sitting at your table, it will all take you only 30 minutes.

No excuses not to realize it. Make the most of the chicken breast, instead of fried, roasted or any other way, cut it into small pieces and turn them into an original and delicious dish.

What to do to make chicken cannelloni

Now we need to take a break and examine the benefits gained with this chicken cannelloni recipe. We have emphasized the importance of good nutrition.

chicken cannelloni recipe

Here is what goes into this preparation: white onions, tomatoes, sweet and savory condiments like nutmeg and black pepper. These ingredients have effects on our body and by mixing them, they provide calories, vitamins and proteins.

Thus, in addition to being full and giving the feeling of having eaten an original and delicious dish, you enjoy the best foods for your body to benefit as it should.

We must realize that we are eating vegetables, animal proteins and dairy products in quantities ideal for good digestion and without adverse effects. You accumulate, however, energy which will then be useful to you to face an accelerated pace of life.

Be the best cook and learn how to make chicken cannelloni!

In conclusion, cooking up delicious and innovative recipes like this one is not only good for you, but it is also good for your family.


  • 10 sheets of cannelloni paste
  • 3 large onions
  • 6 tablespoons of olive oil (90ml)
  • 2 large chicken breasts
  • 5 tablespoons of grated cheese (100g)
  • 1 tablespoon of salt (15 g)
  • 2 tomatoes, cut into pieces
  • 2 tablespoons of nutmeg (125 g)
  • 1 bag of béchamel cream (125 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of ground white pepper (15g)

chicken cannelloni


  1. The first thing to do is to put a medium saucepan of water to boil.
  2. When the boiling point is reached, add the chopped onions, salt and nutmeg.
  3. In another smaller saucepan, prepare the béchamel sauce then leave it aside, it will be used soon.
  4. Coat a pan with a little olive oil.
  5. Put the chicken breasts cut into fillets and fry them gently.
  6. Sauté the onions until tender and remove them.
  7. Once the chicken is cooked, turn off the heat.
  8. Don’t forget to season with the cooked onions and cheese.
  9. Mix everything with the chicken, add the tomato pieces last.
  10. Now you have to stuff the cannelloni with the mixture obtained.

Do not forget: For this recipe, the list of ingredients given here is not exhaustive, we can add others and thus make this dish even more delicious.

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