How To Take Care Of The Colon In Women

To avoid bowel problems, it is fundamental that we take care of our emotional health. Remember that our digestive system is like a second brain, and stress is extremely disturbing.

You are a woman ? Are you taking good care of your colon? You might not know it, but in general women suffer the most from diseases associated with the intestines, one of the most important parts of the body.

Do you want to know how to take good care of your colon?

The colon and the woman

Woman and colon problems.

Why do women suffer from more colon diseases, such as irritable bowel syndrome, than men?

In truth, specialists do not know what causes these types of problems, but they tell us that factors like hormonal problems, stress, anxiety and bad eating habits can cause these characteristic symptoms that you already know:

  • Digestive problems.
  • Abdominal pain and distension, reminiscent of colic. These symptoms can last for hours or even days.
  • Alterations in intestinal rhythm. 
  • The pain may be relieved when we manage to go to the toilet, but our stools are diarrhea, or occur after long periods of constipation.
  • Increased presence of gas  and feelings of heaviness, bloating.
  • Presence of nausea, chest burns, fatigue, tightness in the stomach …

In general, and as we have already said, colon problems, and especially irritable bowel, appear predominantly in women. The first disorders usually occur before the age of 35.

Experts tell us that the first symptom to appear is dysmenorrhea. This pathology refers to the difficulty of the flow of menstruation which causes pain in the kidneys, leg cramps, migraines, vomiting, etc.

You may have frequent bleeding and you will need to take many pain relievers to relieve the pain. These diseases can also be genetic, and can be passed from mother to daughter.

How Can Women Take Care of Their Colon?

Take care of the colon.

1. Pay attention to your diet and beware of slimming diets

It is a trap that is easy to fall into. Sometimes you follow certain strict diets that cause you to eat incorrectly.

Lack of fiber, lack of protein or essential vitamins, all of these can lead to impaired gut health. Your colon is no longer functioning as it should, it becomes poisoned and accumulates too many bacteria in it.

You have to be very careful. If you are on a diet, always consider your intake of fiber, fresh vegetables, and prebiotic foods.

2. Get the right vitamins that will protect your colon

Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and Beta-Carotene are wonderful antioxidants, capable of restoring and caring for cells in your gut.

They strengthen it and make it healthier. We will give you the list of foods that contain the highest levels of these essential vitamins:  

  • Grapefruit juice.
  • The Orange juice.
  • Alfalfa, broccoli, carrot, celery.
  • Apple and papaya.

Remember to always eat them fresh and raw, as they have enzymes that aid in the digestion of food.

3. Eat adequate probiotics

Dairy products, only those that are fermented, will go a long way in helping you take care of your gut flora.  It is very important to consume fermented yogurts, kefirs, fermented milk drinks, etc.

4. Take natural laxatives

How about starting your day with papaya or fresh orange juice?  You can also add oats, bananas, apple, pear, cucumber, mango, aloe juice, and extra virgin olive oil to it.

They will all help you take care of your bowel movements, cleanse you and prevent constipation.

5. Remember to drink between 6 and 8 glasses of water per day.

We keep telling you this in all of our articles. Drinking water is healthy, necessary and we must hydrate our body sufficiently so that it can purify itself, to facilitate the work of our organs, to detoxify us.

Try to drink between 6 to 8 glasses of water a day, this will make your bowel work easier and your colon will be healthier.

If it weighs too much on your stomach, add a little bit of lemon juice to the bottle you drink from, you will see how good it will do you.

6. Avoid food that is too fatty

It’s much easier to come home and quickly cook a pizza, or a frozen meal from the supermarket. Or sometimes it’s tempting to snack on a bit of anything like chips, cakes, or fries.

But, all this causes our body to fill up with toxic elements, with fats that it is very difficult to digest. This causes water retention, bloating and our general health is impacted.

7. Pay attention to your emotional life

This final tip may surprise you, but our gut is like a second brain inside our body. What if you are very stressed?  Nerves build up in the gut, you have a stomach ache, a knotted stomach, and you may have diarrhea.

Everything that affects our mind is felt in the intestines and we have to take this correlation into question. Take time for yourself, set your priorities, spend time with those you love.

Cultivate your self-esteem, pay attention to your quality of life, and remember that the goal of life is to be happy. And sometimes we need less stuff than we think we really need.

Remember to take care of your colon. And remember that your health is always first.

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