How To Teach Your Child To Optimize His Time?

It is the duty of parents to help their children and teach them to organize themselves. Good time management allows children to be productive at school as well as to take advantage of their free time to play and have fun.

It is important that the child learns to organize his responsibilities every day and to optimize his time. Go to school, do your homework and take a moment to play… You can do anything, as long as you are a little organized.

In this sense, the parents’ schedule determines the daily life of the children. When both parents are at work or one parent is a stay-at-home parent, they are busy and therefore usually fill their child’s life with activities. So much so that it seems that the child finally does not have a minute to himself.

However, just because children are doing a series of activities doesn’t mean they know how to make the most of their time. Probably, moreover, as parents, we do not know very well either how to manage our time in the best way. However, it is undoubtedly a learning which must be part of the education of the child.

Teach children the value of time

teach a child to optimize his time

Often our children hear us say “time is money” or “I don’t have time”. Surely if they are small, they do not understand what we are talking about. Children do not have a notion of time and do not know how time affects our lives.

Then, as they grow older, they gradually understand concepts like today or tomorrow, later or later. These are categories of time that they understand as they mature.

To teach them to realize the value of time, our teaching must begin at dawn. There is a time to get up, to get dressed, to have lunch and to go to school. These first minutes of the day represent the first great opportunity we have to teach children to optimize their time.

Then, when you come home from school, you have to organize yourself to do homework, attend an extracurricular activity, and then play. We can teach the child that there is a time for each activity and then he can enjoy some well-deserved free time.

On the other hand, we are making a mistake by not giving children any free time. And that’s precisely what we often do: we saturate children with activities. While we should rather teach them that if they are responsible in their obligations, then they can have free time and decide what they want to do with it. This is the best reward.

How to teach children to optimize their time

From the moment it comes to education, whatever the field, the example that we give to our children is fundamental. If we are always in a hurry when it comes time to take our children to school, if we arrive late to pick them up at the end of school or after their activities, we do not set the best example for the child to that he optimizes his time.

The daily organization of our own agenda is something basic so that our children, no matter how small, can perceive that we are organized and that our time is divided between work, home and the time we spend with them. .

Thus, the time that children devote to their homework and their studies should be organized. They can’t wait until the last moment to deal with it. Projects that deserve several days of preparation or the revisions required for an upcoming review also cannot be put off to the last minute.

Therefore, helping the child to organize his responsibilities is the best way to teach him to optimize his time.

It is also necessary to instill in the child the idea that, the more effective he is in carrying out his various tasks, the more he will be able to benefit from his free time.

Play is very important for children. Thus, we must then take advantage of their great interest in the game in order to push them to value the importance of good organization.

Help children get organized

teach your child to organize and optimize his time

Having free time to play freely is the best reward a child who has successfully managed their time can receive. To help them optimize their time, here we give you three essential recommendations:

Establish reasonable hours

Your child should have schedules that allow him to complete his tasks on time. He must have time for everything: playing, doing his homework, watching TV and surfing the Internet.

Children love the schedules. However, this does not mean that one should completely forget about spontaneity or flexibility in certain circumstances.

Design and promote routines

  • When they get up, children should know that they need to prepare for school.
  • Before playing, their homework should be done.
  • You must put away all the toys that have been used before taking out others.
  • Before going to bed, children should have prepared their satchel for the next day and taken a shower.

The routines are healthy and allow you to organize yourself and create harmony.

Distribute roles and responsibilities

The roles excite and motivate children to respect their responsibilities. The child should know that he is responsible for doing “something” at home.

Likewise, if there are two or more children at home, it is necessary to assign each a role and responsibilities. For example: one is responsible for taking the dog out and the other for watering the plants.

Final reflection

Teaching children to be efficient in managing their time brings great benefits. It frees them from the tension of having things left to do.

In addition, effective time management allows the child to meet each of the responsibilities on time. Then, he can enjoy a well-deserved rest and a moment of leisure to play and be entertained.

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