Ideas For Creating A Relaxation Area At Home

Creating a relaxation area at home is the perfect alternative to forget about everyday problems. Today we’re going to give you some ideas that you can use to create one quickly and without breaking the bank.

Sometimes, work, school, financial responsibilities, or having children make you need a break to devote a few minutes to your peace of mind and your peace of mind. Creating a relaxation area at home, in this sense, is the best you can do to overcome your problems.

Contrary to what you might think, you don’t need to put in a lot of effort or invest a lot of money to design this den. We will prove it to you with some ideas that you can apply in your house or apartment.

Ideas for creating and decorating a relaxation area at home

It is extremely common for people to fail to take care of their physical and mental health. Exercising, eating a balanced diet, and avoiding bad habits are just some of the things that help alleviate the problem.

At the same time as all of this,  it is important to have a space to relax. Reading, knitting, sipping tea, or chatting with a loved one are things you can’t forget if you are concerned about your sanity.

Make the most of the space

One of the first doubts when it comes to creating a relaxation area at home is where you might put it. Luckily,  you don’t need to have a lot of square meters  to create a harmonious and welcoming place.

Below a staircase, in the attic, in a corner of the bedroom and in front of a picture window are perfect options. Don’t worry if you only have a yard or two; you don’t need more to start the transformation. Tell yourself, for example, that a lot of Zen decorations are done in places without a lot of space.

If you want your relaxation area at home to be just for you, so much the better: you will only need a small space. On the other hand, if you want other people to enjoy it,  consider rearranging your furniture to free up a few feet of space.

A relaxation area in a house.

Choose where to sit

You have selected the place where you will create your relaxation area; now you have to choose which seat you will use to sit on. There are several options but you should always keep that in mind:  it should be comfortable, multi-functional, and give you the peace you need  when you get tired.

Among the best possible alternatives we can highlight rocking chairs, ottomans, sofa beds and lounge chairs. If you’re the minimalist type, you can put a few cushions on the floor or even set up a hammock.

To make your choice, remember that  the object must allow you to extend your legs, change position or promote movement. After all, when you settle into it, you will surely want to let go of the tension that has built up during your hectic and stressful day.

Surround yourself with objects that make you feel at peace

What things make you happy? Maybe a small library, a particular type of plant, a certain smell? Think about it carefully and try to incorporate a thing or two that will make a difference when you want to find harmony and relax.

To complement this, you can use incense, candles, essential oils, music, or certain textures. This is where you start to personalize your relaxation area. But be careful: avoid overcrowding the place!

The ideal is that you put a few discreet objects there that, even if they are not the center of attention, manage to transform this little corner of your house into a place where you want to rest for a few minutes (or a few hours). ).

Decorate with light or neutral colors

There is a strong connection between colors and emotional states. In fact, the tones you choose to decorate this new relaxation space will determine your mood when you settle in. In order not to go wrong, opt for light or neutral colors.

If you use fabrics, curtains, cushions or blankets in very dark colors, you will only overload the place. Remember that this corner is very small and therefore everything should flow naturally. Choose the color according to your tastes, staying in the suggested tones.

Two of the most suitable tones are light blue and light green. The first is reminiscent of the sea or the sky, which gives you a feeling of grandeur and freedom. The second immediately refers to nature.

Include a good mat

One of the first things you do at the end of a long day is take off your shoes when you get home. This means that your den at home cannot be without a carpet, and preferably one with a soft and pleasant texture.

If possible,  try to make the mat go with the other colors and shapes in the area,  and that it is large enough that you can stretch your legs on it. Make it a habit to take off your shoes when you go to this special place: you will let go of your stress.

Put in some works of art

It is not a question of transforming your relaxation area into a museum, but it is important that you include a painting or a small sculpture.

You have two options: select one that conveys a feeling of freedom, or opt for a state of serenity. It depends on your personality.

We suggest you avoid cliché patterns, such as a galloping horse or beach scenery. Remember that we are looking for a distinctive element, which transforms this space into a unique place in order to be able to channel moments of tension.

Add a side table

Finally, you need to add a side table, preferably small, so as not to disturb the harmony of other objects. It will be used to place books, cups of tea or coffee, flowers, your mobile devices or even the newspaper.

A side table is a big help because you won’t want to put your things on the floor or on you. It doesn’t have to be new or particularly special. In any case, you can use a linen or cotton tablecloth to combine it with other objects.

Tips for harmonizing and decorating the relaxation area at home

Now that you know how to create a den in your home, we are going to reveal  some tips that you can apply when designing it. Take note because they are very easy to put into practice and they will be useful to simplify the decoration.

Reuse things you already have at home

When you think of decorating a den, you probably tell yourself that you are going to have to spend a lot of money. However, this is not necessarily true. In fact,  you can reuse items you already have to keep expenses as low as possible.

We all have a table, chair, shelf, or several decorative items that we don’t really use. You might have kept all of these in the attic for years because they just didn’t go with the new decorating style of your home. So now is the perfect time to dust them off and give them new life!

Always go for natural lighting

As you know, natural light offers you a series of benefits that contrast with artificial sources. We are not only talking in terms of energy saving or sustainability but also imply its link with vision health, depression, stress and relaxation.

Whenever possible,  take advantage of natural light when creating this comfort zone. Place it near a window or skylight. Despite everything, you will have to install an artificial lighting system that will serve you when it is dark.

Use the principles of  feng shui

Whether or not you are a supporter of this practice from China, the emotional benefits of  feng shui  are closely linked to the goal you want to achieve with this relaxation corner.

You don’t need to overload the place with a hundred objects or apply concepts that go against your beliefs. In reality, this philosophical system  is based on achieving harmony in the space where you live. Apply its principles and you will see that you will achieve the peace you need.

A relaxation area at home.

Always keep this space in order

Having a den at home doesn’t make sense if it’s always messy. Make it a goal, every time you move in, to leave it in pristine condition and clean it.

This way you will avoid unpleasant moments in the future, especially if you arrive in your small space one evening and cannot dispose of it as you would like. If other members of your family are also using it, make this rule the main condition.

Choose natural textures and objects

As we have already explained,  certain textures and colors that refer to nature convey a feeling of freedom and peace, without anguish. You can achieve this with the help of a plant or even a tree trunk as a decorative element, or with certain textures.

The tablecloth, the cover of some books, and even the curtains you choose are a great start to regaining that natural feel. Certain smells, especially those of citrus fruits, reinforce this aspect a little more.

It’s not just this corner that can be a place of relaxation

Finally,  remember to extend some of these concepts to your home. For example, if your den is tidy, it would be impractical if the other spaces were not. It won’t help you if you want to reduce the tension.

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