It’s Never Too Late To Do What We Love

What we neglect the most in our development is ourselves because we are lazy, we are afraid of it failure or stepping out of our comfort zone.

Doing what we love gives us strength, defines us and builds us as an independent person, as someone who is able to forge his path day after day, in complete freedom and fullness.

This is something we all know. However, it is clear that it is not always easy to do what we really want.

Work, family obligations and sometimes the weight of routine hinder us in our internal desires.

In life, you have to maintain a good balance. We should not neglect the people we love, but it is important to remember that we are important too.

If we stop doing what we love, little by little we will move away from our identity …

Who Said It’s Too Late To Do What You Love?

It is possible that you want to initiate a change in your life and a relative or a friend tells you that “you are too old to do this”.

You have to remember that the only person who has the right to say what you can or cannot do is yourself.

You can listen to the words of others with patience and respect, but the decision is yours.

The best age is the one you have today

There is no better age than you are today. And no age justifies missing out on new things.

It’s never too late to do what makes us happy, and we should always keep that in mind.

  • The worst lament that we can live is that of aging while realizing that our life has not been “a life lived”.
  • It is said that each stage of life has its characteristics and experiences to live.
    This is certain, but just because we have already been through a lot does not mean that we have to load our backpack even more.
    The more experience and wisdom we have, the more confidence and energy we will have to live and do what we love.

People who tell us “it’s too late”

Sometimes when we finally make up our minds to do what we really like, we find ourselves facing a social wall.

Social walls are very damaging, they are limiting thoughts and harmful weights for personal development.

  • Realize that the people who try to discourage you from doing the things you love to do may be the people closest to your social circle.
    They do this because they are afraid of losing you, of breaking the bond they have with you, and of stepping out of that zone of control.
  • You may be craving a trip, studying something, or just thinking more by signing up for classes, hanging out with friends, etc.
  • Doing what you love doesn’t have to mean extreme changes. In fact, most of the time, it’s everyday acts that make us happy.
  • Those who say it’s too late attack our confidence. They make us believe that our train has already passed. That life is reduced to dreaming of what has never been and never will be. Do not allow this!

Do what you love without hurting other people

The key is simple. You can do whatever you want as long as your actions don’t hurt the people you love.

How does this translate? We need to know that sometimes small acts can lead to unwanted consequences.

It is not, for example, to overthrow everything by spending all the savings of the household. Even less neglecting your children. We must indeed find the right balance.

Doing what you love freely, fully while thinking of others is the best thing to do.

Think, for example, of people who go to college late to do the training they have always aspired to.

It enriches us from within, and makes us proud. And someone who feels good about themselves can make others happy.

Doing what you love shouldn’t be complicated. No one should be putting a damper on us, not even you.

Whether you believe it or not, we are the only ones who truly limit and / or hinder our personal development.

Here are the ways we do this:

  • Through limiting attitudes, by thinking that we are too old to do certain things.
  • Being afraid of failure, of making mistakes.
  • Being afraid of what others may think of us if we do what we want.
  • Thinking that we are not going to succeed, that there are certain things that we are not made for.

We must be courageous and remember that it is never too late to be happy.

It’s never too late to love again, to take a trip, or to learn new skills.

As long as motivation and desire are strong, and health and optimism follow, nothing and no one should put limits on you.

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