Losing Weight: The 21 Day Program

If we do not want to regain the weight lost through the slimming program, it is very important not to resume our old habits and to continue to eat balanced.

Do you think that in 3 weeks, you can lose weight or even all of your extra pounds? Maybe not completely, but a good part!

This obviously depends on new eating habits and your daily activities!

In this article, we invite you to discover a 21-day program, which will help you lose weight.

The day by day program for weight loss

You may be a little skeptical and think that it is impossible to lose weight in 3 weeks.

However, be aware that it is a matter of steps. You have to go small, by changing your eating habits. Start as early as possible and you will see the results very quickly!

Day 1

First, write your goals on a notebook, and leave it somewhere visible. Next, start a simple exercise program (for example, go out for a walk ).

Day 2

Eliminate sodas for weight loss.

Eliminate  sources of liquid calories, i.e. coffee, soda, and alcohol.

Replace them with water, green tea, and natural juices. Write down everything you eat in a notebook (leaving nothing out) as this will help you lose weight.

Day 3

Complete the second day of training. You can increase the walking time or add another exercise.

Day 4

Fruits help to lose weight.

Go from 3 large meals to 6 small meals per day. Remember to include fruits, vegetables, fiber, and protein in every snack.

Day 5

Before you go to the supermarket, make a shopping list of healthy foods.

If you cannot resist the temptation, it is best to throw away or offer the products that you cannot consume.

Day 6

Weigh yourself and note the evolution of your weight in a notebook.

Choose an activity to do at least 3 times a week. It could be a sport, a dance class, or exercise in a park.

Day 7

Plan the diet for the next week, and if necessary, shop for extra groceries at a market or organic store.

Day 8

Continue your exercise program. You can also ask for help from a trainer or change your exercises yourself so you don’t get bored.

Day 9

Add a fruit and vegetable to your diet that you haven’t eaten for a long time. Try to eat them raw or steamed.

Day 10

Eliminate sources of trans fat from your diet, and don’t forget to exercise.

Day 11

Make sure you drink enough water (2 liters in winter and 3 liters in summer, or on days when you exercise).

Day 12

Pay attention to how much fiber you eat each day.

Indeed, it is recommended to ingest at least 35 grams. If you don’t reach that number, consume a handful of almonds.

Day 13

Count the calories you have ingested in the previous days, based on the meal plan.

Determine the number of calories you can consume based on your age, weight and stature, as well as your goal for your pounds to lose.

Day 14

Plan your diet for the next week based on what you have at home.

So eat more fruits (currants, raspberries or blackberries for example).

Day 15

Change the physical activity you have been doing so far and increase the difficulty.

You can also add more weight or walk more. You can also add a new set of exercises to your routine.

Day 16

Follow a new food cooking technique related to what you were doing until then.

This can be, for example, steamed or grilled. Try to eat more raw vegetables and completely eliminate fat.

Day 17

Above all, eat less than the previous days and look for a new source of protein.

Therefore, if you are used to eating chicken or tuna, then opt for another meat or  salmon.

Day 18

Train a little more than in previous sessions.

So, change the weights, times and distances, and also try adding new exercises.

Day 19

Then check your goals and see if you are close to your goal.

You can weigh yourself or try on clothes that you do not fit before starting this program.

Day 20

Do your shopping for the following days. At this level, you will not want to go back to your old ways, because you will be slimmer but you will also have more energy and vitality.

Day 21

Finally, be more specific in your purpose and analyze the changes you have made in your life.

So strengthen your commitment, and move on. You have created healthy habits!

What can you eat?

Here are some of the options available during the 3 week weight loss program:

Breakfast and afternoon tea

In short, the foods allowed are as follows:

  • 1 cup of skimmed milk (250 ml)
  • 1 tablespoon of sweetener (5 ml)
  • 2 toasts of wholemeal bread
  • 1 slice of low fat cheese
  • 3 cakes without salt or sugar
  • Oats
  • Raisins
  • White skim cheese

Lunch and dinner

Have a bowl of soup as a starter. The main course should be a piece of meat with cooked vegetables and a portion of salad. For dessert, a fruit.

  • Lean white meats (chicken, fish, pork)
  • Lean red meats
  • Raw or steamed vegetables
  • Leafy vegetables
  • Brown rice, quinoa, barley, millet or buckwheat
  • Dried vegetables (lentils, chickpeas, beans)
  • Pasta
  • Condiments (chili, cloves, turmeric)
  • Aromatic herbs (basil, rosemary, thyme)
  • Vegetable soup (preferably homemade)
  • Olive oil
  • Apple vinegar
  • Lemon juice
  • Natural juices without sugar
  • Raw fruits for dessert (strawberries, peaches, oranges)
  • Light gelatin
  • Fruit compotes (apples, pears)
  • Skimmed yogurt

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