Make A Delicious Strawberry Watermelon Granita

The granita is delicious and refreshing.

Fruit drinks are always a delight, such as granita. Discover the flavor of this simple recipe and make it at home in a few simple steps!

Sometimes in summer it seems like the heat is suffocating us without being able to do anything about it. Temperatures can reach such a level that even water is not enough for us to feel fresh and hydrated.

We need another drink that refreshes but also delights us with its delicious flavor. This is the case of the strawberry and watermelon granita; a simple and delicious recipe, let’s find out!

Steps to Make a Delicious Strawberry Watermelon Granita

strawberry and watermelon granita

Drinks help quench thirst (gradually or completely, depending on the type consumed). In addition, drinks are also a source of nutrient acquisition for the body. And even more if they are prepared with fresh fruit.

When it comes to this strawberry watermelon frozen drink, you just need to follow a few simple steps that we are going to show you. You can also consume it with any meal of the day  or to calm cravings.

On the other hand, the unique properties of this strawberry and watermelon granita are directly linked to the two fruits that compose it. As you well know, watermelon is one of the best natural cleansers available to you. In addition, strawberries are among the best antioxidants and are packed with vitamins and minerals like those of type B and C.


  • 5 cups of chopped watermelon (560 g)
  • 2 cups of natural strawberry ice cream (240 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of virgin olive oil (15 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar (30 g)
  • 1 pinch of salt (5 g)
  • 7 mint leaves (decoration) (20 g)
  • 1 cup of ice cream (120 g)


  1. First of all, wash the watermelon and pat it dry.
  2. Then peel it, remove all the seeds it contains, cut it into pieces and mix them. For this, it is best to use a food processor or an electric mixer.
  3. Once you have mixed the watermelon pieces well, set aside in the fridge.
  4. Then, in the same blender or grinder, place the pieces of ice cube.
  5. Before continuing the granita, add a touch of virgin olive oil, a pinch of salt and two tablespoons of sugar.
  6. Then add the strawberry ice cream and mix it. This will give you the classic thickness of strawberry watermelon granita.
  7. Finally, you will have to serve the mixed watermelon in a glass, then complete it with the strawberry granita.
  8. To give a touch of freshness, you can decorate each of the glasses that you serve with mint leaves.

Warning ! Here are some nutritional tips for this drink

As you know, all fruits have specific benefits and implications for the body. In the same way that bananas do not bring the same things to the body as an orange, so do strawberries and watermelon. Pay close attention to those nutritional details that are present in your delicious Strawberry Watermelon Granita.

The strawberries

  • They are an excellent antioxidant of natural origin
  • They are used to improve heart health
  • It is advisable to consume at least 2 strawberries per day
  • These are mainly composed of the following elements: water (91%), carbohydrates (8%) and natural fibers (2%)
  • In a cup of strawberries, you will find up to 3 grams of dietary fiber. These are very beneficial for cleaning our body.

The watermelon

strawberry and watermelon granita

  • It is known as one of the best depuratives among all fruits, such as pineapple and orange.
  • This fruit is composed of the following elements: water (94.6%), carbohydrates (4.5%), fiber (0.5%) and protein (0.4%)
  • In addition, it is also an excellent antioxidant. And this, mainly thanks to these substances: citrulline, lycopene and beta-carotene. All present in this delicious strawberry and watermelon granita.

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