Natural Remedies For Hypertension

If our blood pressure increases due to nervous problems, we can try to regulate it by putting a few drops of lavender essential oil on a tissue to inhale its vapors.

High blood pressure is considered by doctors to be a “silent killer” because it brings many negative consequences to the body, and often there are no symptoms. If you are suffering from this problem, you can take advantage of natural remedies for hypertension.

Causes and symptoms of hypertension

As it was said before, high blood pressure is due to different causes. Sedentary life, excess salt, pre-cooked meals, lack of exercise etc.

But hormonal abnormalities, kidney or cardiovascular disease, the taking of certain drugs such as contraceptives or the ingestion of alcohol can darken the picture.

Regarding the most common symptoms of hypertension, we find, among others:

  • Headache,
  • Short breathing,
  • Reddening of the face,
  • Excessive sweating,
  • Rapid pulse,
  • Visual alterations,
  • Nausea,
  • Ringing in the ears,
  • Nosebleeds,
  • Nervousness,
  • Fatigue, etc.

Natural remedies for hypertension and its causes
High blood pressure is dangerous because it can cause cerebral thrombosis, heart attack, or kidney disorder. It is therefore important to keep the blood pressure under control and to take it once a week.

Remember that there is no age for having high blood pressure, although it most often appears after 30 years. Blood pressure is measured to analyze how the heart beats when it pumps blood (systolic pressure) and when it rests between beats (diastolic pressure).

Natural remedies for hypertension

Lemon and parsley remedy

  • Put a lemon cut into slices (with the skin and seeds) in a blender and add a handful of parsley.
  • Mix well and drink a small glass every morning, always on an empty stomach.

Both ingredients are genuine homemade diuretics and will help you flush out retained fluids (which can cause high blood pressure). You can also drink the juice of one lemon in a cup of cold water every day before breakfast.

Oatmeal remedy

  • Eat a cup of oats daily, for example with orange juice, milk or just water. This habit will regulate your blood pressure but also your cholesterol. In addition, it contains a lot of fiber which will help you avoid constipation.

oats, natural remedies for high blood pressure

Garlic remedy

Garlic is an element that cannot be excluded from your diet because it treats many diseases. In this case, it will help you dilate the arteries and prevent the formation of thrombi. One garlic clove per day is enough to reap its benefits.

Another alternative is to prepare an infusion consisting of a cup of boiling water and a crushed clove of garlic. Add a little lemon and if you wish, sweeten with honey.

Celery remedy

Celery is a great remedy in your battle with high blood pressure. Include it in your diet, whether in salads or soups. It is a good natural diuretic that will help you avoid hypertension.

Hawthorn remedy

White hawthorn is one of the very popular remedies for hypertension and one of the most effective around. It is used to treat various heart conditions, such as coronary heart disease, heart failure, angina and high blood pressure.

It is a great protector of the structures of the heart, it helps to improve the quality of the blood pumped by this organ, it enlarges the size of blood vessels and it increases the transmission of nerve signals.

It also helps to relax the vessels furthest from the heart. Drink a cup of this infusion every day.

Herbal remedies

  • Put 10 drops of lavender essential oil in a tissue and inhale it. These home remedies for hypertension are very good especially in the case for the pressure suddenly increasing.

High blood pressure remedies with herbal remedies

  • Put a handful of olive leaves in a liter of water and heat until it boils. Drain and keep in a glass bottle. Drink up to 2 glasses a day.
  • Boil two soursop leaves and two orange leaves in half a liter of water for 10 minutes. Then remove from the heat and let cool. Drink this infusion after straining it, up to two cups a day.
  • In a container, put a small cut onion, 7 cloves of garlic and the juice of one lemon. Add water to cover all the food and let stand overnight. The next morning, strain and drink it on an empty stomach for 9 days in a row.
  • Mix a spoonful of lime, a spoonful of field horsetail, a spoonful of birch and a spoonful of fennel in a cup of water and boil for three minutes. Then let stand and drain the preparation, which you will consume a maximum of two cups per day.
  • Extract the juice from 15 grapes without the skin and seeds. Mix them with half a glass of water and drink this before breakfast, for 10 days in a row.
  • Put an eggplant with the skin cut into slices in a blender. Add a glass of water and mix well. Filter and drink it on an empty stomach for 10 days.
  • Make a juice with 50 grams of spinach, a spoonful of honey, the juice of a lemon and a glass of water. Drink a glass of it every three days.

And finally, dark chocolate

Dark chocolate, and even better, bitter chocolate, is also a good remedy for high blood pressure. But don’t rely on milk chocolate or white chocolate for this.

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