Natural Remedies To Remove Dental Plaque

Good dental and oral hygiene is essential to prevent the development of dental plaque. You can also use natural remedies to reduce its occurrence and to whiten your teeth.

This yellow layer that forms on the surface of the teeth is known as dental plaque.

These are residues of particles from the food we eat, especially sugar, and the saliva we secrete that clump together in our mouth and form an ideal environment for bacteria and germs to grow.

Dental plaque develops when we put food in our mouths and do not practice proper oral hygiene.

It adheres easily to our teeth, but it can also affect our gums and our tongue, especially when we do not disinfect them.

This problem is not only aesthetic. It can also lead to more serious health problems because the microorganisms in our mouths form a perfect environment for the appearance of infections that are difficult to treat.

While dental plaque is easy to remove in the first few years of our existence, it gets thicker and thicker and forms what is called tartar.

It is therefore important to adopt good oral hygiene habits and to remove residues as much as possible.

So below, we will reveal some natural remedies that can help you get rid of your dental plaque.

Coconut oil and baking sodathe plaque

Coconut oil is known as a powerful antimicrobial agent, capable of destroying the various microorganisms that are found in our mouths.

Associated with baking soda, it helps to form a dental paste that reduces the presence of plaque, but also dangerous bacteria and bad breath.


  • 2 tablespoons of solid coconut oil (30 g)
  • 2 tablespoons of baking soda (20 g)

How to prepare this remedy?

  • Pour the solid coconut oil into a container and mix it with the baking soda, to obtain a creamy paste.
  • Then take a small amount of this paste with your toothbrush, then apply it to your teeth as you would your regular toothpaste.
  • Brush your teeth for 3 minutes, then rinse thoroughly.
  • Use this remedy once a day, every day.

Salt and baking soda

The antiseptic properties of salt and those of baking soda create a natural mouthwash, ideal for neutralizing bacterial growth and reducing tartar formation.

It also helps to better clean the inside of the cheeks and reduce the white plaque that forms on the tongue.


  • 1 tablespoon of baking soda (10 g)
  • 1/2 teaspoon of salt (3 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)

How to prepare this remedy?

  • Heat the water, then add the baking soda, then the salt.
  • Stir with a spoon until both elements are completely dissolved. When the mixture has reached the right temperature, rinse your mouth for a minute after brushing.
  • Then spit out the liquid. Use this remedy once a day.

The aloe vera

Aloe vera gel contains antibacterial properties that alter the acidic environment that microorganisms need to thrive in the mouth.

Its natural juice balances the pH and prevents the formation of yellowish and unpleasant layers on the teeth.


  • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (30 g)
  • 1/2 cup of water (125 ml)

How to prepare this remedy?

  • Put the two ingredients in a blender. Mix for a few seconds so that they are well integrated.
  • Make mouthwashes with this preparation, preferably two a day, after brushing.

Strawberries and coconut oil

A paste of strawberries and coconut oil not only reduces dental plaque, but also whitens teeth.

It reduces the formation of tart and eliminates the yellowish spots caused by the dyes found in certain foods.


  • 3 strawberries
  • 1 teaspoon of coconut oil (5 g)

How to prepare this remedy?

  • Crush the strawberries then mix the pulp obtained with the spoonful of coconut oil.
  • Put this paste on your toothbrush, then brush as usual.
  • Then rinse thoroughly and repeat every day.

Lemon essential oil

Lemon essential oil helps eliminate bacteria that cause bad breath and control plaque build-up on teeth.


  • 5 drops of lemon essential oil
  • 1/2 cup of water (125 ml)

How to prepare this remedy?

  • Pour the drops of lemon essential oil into the water and then use this mixture as a mouthwash after each brushing.
  • Use it for at least a full week to significantly improve your oral health.

In addition to these remedies, don’t forget to use a soft toothbrush, dental floss, and whatever else you need for complete oral hygiene.

In addition, visit your dentist regularly to check that everything is in order.

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