New Effective Migraine Treatment Discovered!

The DAO enzyme is responsible for synthesizing and eliminating the histamine which is the cause of migraine. A DAO deficiency is partly hereditary.

The percentage of the population that suffers from migraine today is very high. Women are also those who suffer the most.

This situation prompts scientists to seek new treatments and to make new discoveries in  order to alleviate or even eliminate the terrible suffering caused by migraine.

The Spanish DAO Deficiency Society and the General Hospital of Catalonia, Spain, recently carried out a study on migraine. As a result, migraines are mainly due to the lack of a specific enzyme.

It would therefore be possible to permanently eradicate this disease by administering a simple dose of this natural supplement to patients before each meal!

Migraine and the DAO enzymeheadache

Migraine is closely linked to an intolerance to histamine, found in citrus fruits and dairy products.

The researchers presented the results of this study at the last International Pharmacy Congress held in Barcelona. They demonstrated the direct link between the DAO enzyme and migraine.

According to the head of research, Joan Izquierdo Casas, all patients who suffer from migraine also have a deficiency of this enzyme.

Many organizations approved of this study, which lasted a year and a half. More than a hundred people suffering from severe chronic migraine (9 to 14 attacks per month) participated. The study respected the proportion by gender that we generally observe for this disease: 81% of women and 19% of men.

To carry out this investigation, the researchers used the technique of double-blind study.  In other words, neither the patients nor the doctors knew which group was receiving the enzyme and which group was receiving the placebo.

Results: Migraine is linked to a deficiency in DAO enzyme. But that’s not all. Heredity also plays a certain role, as this deficiency is passed on from generation to generation.

How does the DAO enzyme work?

This enzyme is responsible for breaking down and synthesizing a molecule called histamine, which is present in many foods, but at very high levels in citrus and dairy products. After destroying the histamine, it is excreted in the urine.

But what happens to people with migraine? They fail to destroy histamine because of their deficiency in the DAO enzyme. This molecule then accumulates in the blood plasma and causes migraines and gastrointestinal disturbances.

What then does the treatment consist of?

The treatment is very easy to follow. It suffices to take a capsule containing the DAO enzyme before each meal, so that it can fulfill its digestive role. That is to say, to eliminate and synthesize the histamine present in our food.

Experts claim that this enzyme causes no side effects and no addiction, as it is an essential dietary supplement for digestion!

What is the effect of these capsules?

This exogenous DAO enzyme allows us to restore the level of histamine by preventing its accumulation in the small intestine, where it is normally eliminated after having played its digestive role.

By consuming these capsules, we prevent histamine from building up unnecessarily and entering the blood stream, causing migraine and digestive disorders.

How to take these capsules?

You can take one to two capsules with a little water 20 or 30 minutes before each meal. The doses are the same for all adults and are indicated on the product.

You will find these capsules in natural products stores or in pharmacies. It is essentially a food supplement to eliminate excess histamine and facilitate digestion.

Some details about this product

  • Does not contain lactose or gluten.
  • Suitable for people with diabetes.
  • It is not a drug, but a natural treatment, without side effects!

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