Pineapple Enzymes Against Cancer?

Although pineapple has many benefits for treating cancer, do not substitute for the therapy your doctor has told you to, and consult your doctor before making any decisions.

Pineapple is the food par excellence of a high fiber diet, but fiber is not the only elements worthy of interest that it provides us, since we can use pineapple against cancer. 

Currently, what catches the attention of specialists are its various properties, and in particular one of the most important: its protective effect against the appearance of certain diseases that are associated with cancer, in particular those that are at the level mammary glands, rectum or colon.

What is found in pineapple?

In pineapple, there is fiber, a lot of fiber! It also contains significant amounts of vitamins, organic acids and mineral salts.

But the most important element found in pineapple is a special substance, an enzyme known as bromelain.

What is bromelain and what is it used for?

Bromelain is a natural compound that is extracted from the stem of pineapple. It is given fundamental importance in the treatment of diseases associated with certain types of carcinomas, as it has a recognized anti-cancer effect.

In a study that compared the effect of bromelain that of a chemotherapy drug, 5-fluorouracil, we realized from the tests carried out on animals that the anti-cancer effect of bromelain is superior to that of 5-fluorouracil!

Effects of pineapple against cancer.

In addition, the drug in question was the subject of a debate which made it possible to understand that instead of improving the patient’s quality of life by acting in a targeted manner on the disease, it is responsible for rapidly bringing together the divided cells. without distinguishing cancer cells from good immunological cells.

This is how it would poison non-cancerous cells and enzymes!

On the other hand, since bromelain is a natural compound, it has a property that only natural compounds can have: selective cytotoxicity, which allows cancer cells to be killed without affecting healthy cells.

Pineapple against cancer: an enzyme, bromelain

Even though it seems so complex to talk about enzymes and how they get into the bloodstream, talking about bromelain allows us to understand why this enzyme is so necessary for the natural functions of a person who has cancer cells. , and the functions of all people in general.

Bromelain has been found to be an enzyme that hydrolyzes proteins (proteolytic) and transports them in the blood stream and in the lymphatic system to participate in the functioning of the rest of the body.

The question of enzymes and that concerning the consumption of foods that contain them, still remains a kind of mystery in the field of medicine. However, we have been able to verify that they exert a real action and that, in addition to the enzymes which are in the organism, the oral systemic enzymes are also shown to be effective.

They are used in the treatment of simple problems such as sports injuries. And in the treatment of other more complex problems such as heart disease, bone disease and cancer.

Our recommendations

Remember to take your medication well. And take into account the processes and changes taking place in your cells and in your body.

The enzymes that help fight cancer are not unique to pineapple. This is because you can benefit from it by consuming foods rich in vitamin C. And by consuming turmeric extract and eggplant extract.

It is also important to have a balanced diet. And especially to consume raw foods that will help the body to produce enzymes.

Indeed, if the body needs to use less enzymes during the digestive process, it will therefore be able to use them during more important physiological processes.


Preparation of pineapple against cancer.

Above all, choose what is natural! There can be no better effect on our cells than that produced by natural substances. The enzymes in pineapple against cancer can save your life.

See your doctor regularly, and always be aware of the risks involved and possible improvements.

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