Prepare 4 Natural Kitchen Deodorants

Natural kitchen deodorants help us neutralize the strong odors left by certain foods. Do you want to learn how to prepare them? Here are three interesting options.

The kitchen is one of the areas in the house where you often find unpleasant odors. Cooking cabbages, legumes, fish and other foods gives off strong smells that are usually retained even if we turn on the hood. How to solve this problem ? Find out how to prepare 4 natural deodorants for the kitchen.

Natural deodorants have become one of our favorite options when it comes to neutralizing unwanted household odors. While the conventional versions tend to be more potent and long-lasting, several of their components are irritants and trigger allergies.

Fortunately, there are a wide variety of natural ingredients whose aromas can kill off bad smells without causing unwanted effects. They are even environmentally friendly, as they are completely free of harmful chemicals – don’t hesitate to give them a try!

Natural deodorants for the kitchen

Natural kitchen deodorants are environmentally friendly products that fight unwanted odors generated in that space of the house. They are composed of ingredients such as herbs, spices and citrus peels, whose compounds scent the environment without producing allergies.

In addition, their components help repel insects that are attracted to this place, such as flies and cockroaches. Although they are not solutions to eradicate them, their aromas can help keep them away… And now, get to work!

1. Citrus-based deodorant

natural citrus deodorants

One of the best natural deodorants for the kitchen is the one made with citrus peel. Not only is it one of the cheapest options, but it is also one of the most effective. The penetrating aroma of citrus neutralizes strong odors such as fish and fried foods.


  • Citrus peels (orange, lemon, tangerine)
  • 2 cups of water (500 ml)
  • 1 apple (optional)
  • 3 cloves (optional)

How to proceed ?

  • To start, cut the citrus peels into several pieces.
  • Then put them in a pot of water and bring them to a boil.
  • When they reach their boiling point, reduce the heat to minimum and let them cook for 20 minutes.
  • If the water reduces too much, add a little more to lengthen the cooking time.
  • Make sure to leave the pan uncovered so the fumes will dispel the aroma all over.
  • If you wish, add an apple with its skin on and some cloves to the mixture to add a touch of freshness to the deodorant.
  • Finally, turn off the preparation and leave it uncovered so that the vapors continue to eliminate bad smells.
  • Store the liquid with the ingredients in the fridge and reheat it the next time you need to flavor your kitchen better.

2. Natural herbal kitchen deodorants

Aromatic plants will always be excellent allies when it comes to eliminating unwanted odors in the house. On this occasion, we suggest you use them as a basic ingredient for fabulous deodorants for the kitchen. You will thus obtain a pleasant country scent that will make this space more welcoming.


  • 1 bunch of rosemary
  • 1 bunch of thyme
  • 3 cups of water (750 ml)

How to proceed ?

  • To start making your natural deodorant, chop the sprigs of rosemary and thyme.
  • Then boil the cups of water and add the herbs.
  • When the mixture reaches its boiling point, reduce the heat and let stand for 10 to 15 minutes.
  • Make sure to leave the pan uncovered so the fumes will neutralize the bad smell.
  • Of course, when the recommended time is up, you can transfer the liquid to a container with an atomizer.
  • This way you can spray the deodorant whenever you want to combat bad odors.

3. A natural coffee deodorant

natural coffee deodorants

Most people love the delicious aroma of coffee. The good news is that we can use it as a natural deodorant without having to subject the grains to any procedure. How about using it to improve the smell in your kitchen?


  • Coffee beans (the desired amount)

How to proceed ?

  • First, lay out the coffee beans on a griddle or frying pan.
  • Then roast them over low heat for 3 to 5 minutes.
  • You will instantly notice how fragrant your kitchen is.
  • If you wish, leave the coffee beans in a container or plate and place them in one of the corners of your kitchen. This will prolong the duration of its aroma.

4. A natural deodorant with vinegar and cloves

White vinegar is one of our best allies when it comes to cleaning the kitchen. Not only does it eliminate unwanted odors, but it disinfects and helps release fat. On this occasion, we suggest you combine it with cloves to obtain a more effective and more pleasant deodorant.


  • 1/2 cup of white vinegar (125 ml)
  • 1/2 cup of water (125 ml)
  • 6 cloves


  • First dilute the white vinegar in a cup of water and bring to a boil.
  • When the mixture is very hot, add the cloves and let stand.
  • Let its vapors dissipate to enjoy the aroma.
  • When it is cold, pour the mixture into a container with spray and spray it.
  • You can use it as a solution for cleaning counters, ranges and refrigerators.

Have you tried these natural kitchen deodorants? Choose the version you prefer and say goodbye to the unpleasant smells that are trapped in this space. Of course, be sure to keep the entire kitchen clean for best results.

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