Properties And Benefits Of Carrots

Carrots are present in several formats, both in recipes and in other preparations for cosmetic use. Find out with us why they are so healthy.

The carrot is a regular consumption of vegetable in the world. It can be consumed in several ways, even raw. In addition, their texture and flavor are very pleasant to the palate. Here are the properties of the carrot!

Ever since the rumor spread that carrots contributed to excellent eyesight during World War II,  it has been insisted that these vegetables have an effect on visual health. Therefore, several scientific researches have been carried out to know their properties and benefits.

In this article, we’ll tell you more about the benefits of this food and why you should include it in your diet more regularly to get the most from it.

The properties of carrots

Carrots are rich in various nutrients. More particularly in vitamin A and carotenoids. In addition, they are also a source of minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, iodine and calcium. As well as vitamins: vitamin B3 (niacin), vitamins E and K then folate.

Visual health

These nutrients act on the body in various ways. For example,  beta-carotene acts as an antioxidant component that converts into vitamin A.  This specific vitamin, also known as retinol, helps promote proper functioning of the human retina. In addition, this vitamin allows you to see better when there is less light.

Vitamin A deficiency in the body can lead to an eye disease called ‘xerophthalmia’. This is characterized by the dryness of the connective membrane and the opacity of the cornea. Although this is an extreme case, it gives us an idea of ​​how important it is to have vitamin A in the body.

A young woman with blue eyes.

The properties of carrots on the health of the skin

Vitamins A, B and C, along with other nutrients, such as flavonoids, help the skin to heal more easily when damaged externally, and to stay healthy.

On the other hand, the alpha and beta-carotenes contained in the carrot are also nutrients that are beneficial for the health of the skin. Indeed, they turn into  an antioxidant that helps:

  • Fight the action of free radicals  (molecules that promote cell deterioration, and therefore aging).
  • Reduce inflammation if injured.
  • Speed ​​up the healing process of injured skin.

For its part,  vitamin E encourages the formation of elastic fibers and collagen in connective tissue  and fights, at the same time, against the action of free radicals. Therefore, it acts as an antioxidant which, in short, helps maintain the elasticity and smoothness of the skin.

Healthy digestive system.

The properties of carrots on the health of the digestive system

Carrot is a vegetable with a high water content. Hence, it is a good source of fiber. This aspect gives it digestive properties that are very important for the health of this system.

It has been proven that when consumed,  carrot increases the production of saliva and also gastric juices  which are involved in the process of digestion. In addition, it helps prevent stomach acidity, the formation of ulcers and maintains a good condition of the intestinal flora.

When we consume it raw, it is able to increase bowel movements and fight constipation. This is due to its high fiber content. However, if it is eaten cooked, the astringent components of the carrot will be strengthened. Which is useful in case of diarrhea.

In conclusion…

The carrot is a very complete food which should be part of the diet more often. Obviously, there is no need to overdo it. Remember that any excess can be harmful to your health. Moderation is therefore the key to success.

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