Reconcile With Loneliness

Even though we have been educated to think that it is not good to be alone, now we must learn to value loneliness and not have it fear, because it is a way to find an adequate emotional balance and to find happiness.

When we think of the word “loneliness” and all that it implies, we feel fear.

A terrifying fear of being alone, of not having anyone by our side: the fear of being abandoned. This feeling is curious, because the world around us is full of people! But, why do we feel so bad when we are alone? What is the reason why we violently reject loneliness?

Find out the answers to these questions in the rest of our article. Would you like to accompany us on the path of reconciliation with our loneliness?

The origin of the fear of being alone

Loneliness helps you against the suffering of love.

This unfounded fear that we all feel comes from the education we have received. The society in which we live has reinforced, and continues to reinforce, the idea that we should be afraid of having no one by our side, of being alone in front of ourselves.

This fear has given rise to many psychological disorders, such as the terrible emotional addiction.

People who suffer from it can never find themselves without a romantic partner, because otherwise they will feel empty, as deprived of all existence.

This can easily lead to more serious problems, like depression for example.

We don’t realize that loneliness is not a problem, nor something negative. We put it in the negative situations aisle, but it definitely isn’t.

Have you ever thought about the fact that something that you have been described as negative may not be? This is exactly the case with loneliness. We shouldn’t be afraid of it.

Far from seeing it as a horrible situation, we should see loneliness as an opportunity for personal development and better knowledge of ourselves.

There is only one person who will never let you down: yourself

When our partner leaves us, when one of our loved ones dies, when one of our friends turns his back on us, we feel alone in the world, as if abandoned.

The feeling of disappointment overwhelms us and we try to ease our pain by thinking that we just have been unlucky.

In this existence, we are all going to suffer from a thousand and one disappointments. Our best friends can let us down, the people who share our life that we think we know will change, this is the cycle of life.

Do we have to lament for all that? Is life so unfair? Absolutely not. What is unfair is our perception of life, which is by no means an absolute truth.

We have to learn to accept others, we have to understand that they can let us down at any time, that they can abandon us and walk away without a glance.

You might not be aware of it because you don’t value yourself enough, but you are the one person who will never let you down. You will always be there for you, you will always keep each other company.

Learn to be alone with your loneliness

Go through moments of loneliness

One of the greatest difficulties that we can face in our existence is to come to terms with our loneliness. What do we have to do ? How to eliminate this feeling of emptiness that can invade us?

We would be lying to you if we told you that it is an easy process. But it is not impossible for all that! Loneliness can be your best ally. If you want to come to terms with her, you absolutely have to make an effort.

This does not mean that you have to distance yourself from the world around you or that you have to become lonely. You just have to learn to love your loneliness.

Pay attention to your internal dialogue. If you keep telling yourself that loneliness is bad, you will not move forward. Think about it, question yourself about the truth of this statement and change the way you see it.

Spend time alone. Why couldn’t you go a weekend without having plans with other people? Why should you feel bad if you go out for a coffee with no one to go with you?

Learn to do all the things you think you should do with someone else, alone. Try to spend some time with yourself. Open up to others.

Appreciating your loneliness doesn’t mean isolating yourself from the world. It is in the balance that you will find true happiness. Loneliness can be your best ally if you really get to know it.

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