Risk Factors For Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is a serious disease that can affect any part of the oral cavity, and even the throat. Why is it growing? Today we are going to study its main risk factors.

Oral cancer is a disease caused by an abnormal proliferation of cells in any tissue in the mouth. It is one of the cancers corresponding to the category of “head and neck cancers”. Do you know the risk factors for oral cancer?

Although the mouth is an accessible area, which we can observe with a mirror,  the majority of patients with this type of cancer are diagnosed late. This complicates both treatment and prognosis.

It is therefore important to know your risk factors  and take action for those that can still be changed. Find out in this article!

Oral cancer risk factors

Oral cancer is less well known than other types of cancer. In the oral cavity, the most common areas where it can appear are:

  • The gums.
  • The palace.
  • Language.
  • The lower lip.
  • The floor of the tongue.
  • The salivary glands.

According to a publication in the Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeryoral cancer is a multifactorial disease,  that is, there are several factors that increase the risk of developing it. We will detail them for you now.

1. Tobacco: a major risk factor for oral cancer

With the habit of smoking, all chemicals found in tobacco smoke come into contact with the mouth. These chemicals, such as cadmium, arsenic or methanol, are carcinogenic. They can cause alterations in the tissues with which they come into contact and produce lesions.

In addition, the heat caused by the combustion of tobacco accelerates these morphological changes. The risk of developing cancer from smoking increases with the dose of tobacco and the length of the period of smoking. The fact that the quality of the tobacco is inferior also plays a role.

Tobacco is a risk factor for oral cancer.

2. Alcohol: the second most important risk factor for oral cancer

It is, along with tobacco, one of the most determining risk factors. If you combine these two factors, their risk increases exponentially, with 38 times more likely to get this cancer.

Alcohol irritates the mucous membranes. It produces a degradation of ethanol in acetaldehyde. Acetaldehyde has been shown to have a link with oral cancer,  as can be seen in a study published in the journal Cancers .

Poor hygiene increases the degradation of this compound. It also increases the risk of oral cancer in people who regularly drink alcohol.

3. Food

Deficiencies in the diet increase the risk of oral cancer and, more specifically, the lack of vitamins and minerals. Lack of iron can cause atrophy in the mucous membrane, and vitamin E deficiency decreases free radical control, which can turn healthy cells into tumor cells.

Consuming fruits and vegetables lowers the risk of developing oral cancer. The Mediterranean diet, based on the consumption of fruits, vegetables, olive oil, cereals and fish, with a small amount of meat and dairy products, helps protect against oral cancer.

4. Environmental factors

One of the most important environmental factors and one which has the greatest link with cancer is that of solar radiation. The area where they have the greatest incidence is that of the lower lip, producing brown spots called keratoses.

Among the environmental factors, we also find heavy metals,  such as chromium or nickel, which can be found in water filtered on the ground with these metals.

5. Bacterial infections

Bacteria naturally cause tissue inflammation. This inflammation involves an alteration in the natural cycle of cells. During this alteration of the cycle,  a type of mutation can occur and involve the development of the tumor.

In addition, the substances released by bacteria are also toxic to the body. In the tumor biopsy,  we find to a large extent the remains of bacteria linked to candidiasis, pneumonia or different types of fungi.

Poor hygiene, as always, also plays a role. There is indeed an association between the number of lost teeth and oral cancer.

Diseases of the tongue.

6. Viral infections

Viruses have been shown to be 10 or 15% responsible for cancer, producing damage to cellular DNA during their replication. The viruses with which this relationship is most evident are human papilloma (HPV) and herpes simplex viruses.

The greatest percentage of oral cancers  is due to lesions that were already on the oral mucosa,  the “pre-malignant lesions”. Always watch for these lesions. If, after 15 days of evolution, they do not improve, we must go to a doctor to rule out possible malignant lesions.

7. Genetic factors

In addition to the mentioned risk factors, genetics are very important. A genetic mutation can lead to a tumor. This genetics can be altered by environmental factors, such as diet, sun exposure, tobacco, alcohol, etc.

How can oral cancer be prevented?

Prevention of oral cancer is fundamental. Odontologists, during annual revisions, in addition to looking at cavities, periodontal diseases and other pathologies of the mouth, also carry out a general check to rule out possible pre-malignant lesions.

At home, controlling injuries or stains is just as important. And if, on top of that, we know the risk factors for oral cancer, we can pay more attention.

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