Should We Use Sunscreen As A Moisturizer?

Many people often think that sunscreen can work the same as a moisturizer or daily body care cream. We can perfectly apply the two creams to protect and hydrate our skin, but respecting a certain order. Find out more in this article.

You might be wondering if you can use sunscreen to replace your daily moisturizer. Today we can find both sun protectors for oily skin, dry skin or combination skin. So, it is also possible to decide not to use moisturizer anymore. And opt only for a sunscreen. But is this really suitable for our skin? Find out more in this article.

In the summer, some people tend to use sunscreen as a moisturizer due to the heat . Indeed, the use of several creams can make us sweat more. In fact, during this time of year, we also get lazy and use less body moisturizers. But then, should we use sunscreen to replace moisturizer? Is it good for our skin?

In addition, it is also important to remember the importance of using a sunscreen adapted to your skin type. It is also recommended to protect your skin from the sun all year round. Indeed, the skin is not only exposed to the sun in summer, but also in winter, spring and autumn. So, don’t forget to take care of your skin and always protect yourself from the sun.

In this article, we will address the question of whether you can use a sunscreen and if it can replace a moisturizer without causing problems. Also find out if it is still necessary to use a moisturizer, even if you are using sunscreen as a second application.

The function of the sunscreen

Before determining whether you can use sunscreen as a moisturizer, it is necessary to analyze the function of the sunscreen. Its use is only designed to protect our skin from ultraviolet (UV) rays, preventing them from entering our dermis, which over time can cause damage and lead to skin cancer.

However, you can find sunscreens that do not leave the skin oily or that are resistant to water. However, it should be noted that protectors or sunscreens are not cosmetic products. Their main function is to protect the skin from the sun. Moreover, these products have no specific function to hydrate the skin. In addition, they are also not used to prevent wrinkles and other skin imperfections.

The function of the sunscreen

This means that using sunscreen to combat oily skin or treat acne will not have any successful results. Sunscreen should not replace any moisturizer if we are treating a particular skin problem. Indeed, the sole purpose of the sunscreen is to protect our skin from the sun.

Creams that contain protective factors

Then you might ask yourself: if the sunscreen’s sole function is to protect the skin, why do some creams include it? First of all, be aware that these products are not particularly effective. Indeed, a cosmetic moisturizer that includes a sunscreen at the same time will not have the same effects on the skin. Its main function is to hydrate the skin or reduce wrinkles. For this reason, once mixed with a sunscreen, it will lose its effects.

The reason is that this mixture can lead to a loss of effectiveness of the sunscreen. Because cosmetic moisturizers generally have too low a protection factor (SPF), they rarely exceed 15 SPF. When a sunscreen is mixed with another cream, its effectiveness is reduced. For this reason, this product will not protect us from the sun as much as you might think.

This type of cream that includes sun protection is not indicated if you use it during the day. This will be especially true if you do not use an effective sunscreen afterwards. On the other hand, these mixtures can be used perfectly without adding other types of cream at nightfall. In fact, when the sun is lower, you will be much more sheltered from ultraviolet rays.

You could easily think that if you use sunscreen after applying a moisturizer, it loses its effectiveness. Well, this is not the case. The sunscreen will only lose its effectiveness if it is mixed with another cream. If you use it after applying moisturizer, it will not reduce its protective properties against the harmful rays of the sun.

Sunscreen before or after moisturizer?

Thanks to all these recommendations, you now know that it is important not to use sunscreen to replace a moisturizer. However, if one prefers to use the sunscreen as a base, one can also wonder whether it should be applied before or after a usual moisturizer.

sunscreen before or after moisturizer?

The answer is that skin care moisturizer should always be applied before sunscreen or cream. If we apply the sunscreen first, we will prevent the moisturizer or conditioner from working on the skin. Therefore, if we use an anti-wrinkle cream, it will not fulfill its purpose because the sunscreen will prevent it.

If we use sunscreen to replace moisturizer and have dry facial skin, for example, we will realize that our problem will get worse instead of resolved. It is therefore fundamental to understand the importance of always using the cream that our skin really needs first.

Solar filters

Nowadays, there are very light sun filters suitable for our skin. In addition, these sun protectors reduce the shiny appearance of the face if used after application of a treatment. By performing this technique, your skin will remain light, hydrated and at the same time protected.

For this reason, you will therefore have no excuse to use your usual cream and then apply a sunscreen. Continuous exposure of the skin to ultraviolet rays from the sun is one of the factors that is directly linked with the appearance of spots, wrinkles and other premature signs of aging.

Are you afraid of the effects of the sun on your skin? Motivate yourself to prepare this product of natural origin. You will provide extra protection and nutrients to keep your skin healthy. Thanks to the properties of the ingredients of some natural creams, you can prepare your own moisturizers while protecting your skin from the effects of ultraviolet rays. These will become your best allies in protecting your skin against the harmful effects of the sun.

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