Symptoms Of Inflammation Of The Esophagus

Inflammation of the esophagus can cause us to snore at night. If in addition to snoring we have a sore throat and stomach ache, we must consult a specialist.

Sometimes gastric reflux can cause inflammation of the esophagus. According to some experts, it is also likely to suffer from this type of inflammation when our immune system is weakened. In this article we tell you about the causes of inflammation of the esophagus and how to relieve them.

How to tell if you have an inflamed esophagus

Inflammation of the esophagus can have two causes: “normal” esophagitis or infectious esophagitis. However, remember that only a medical examination will be able to confirm whether it is a virus, bacteria or simple gastric reflux.

But in general, some symptoms can be similar in all three cases. Here are a few

1. Difficulty swallowing

inflammation of the esophagus and sore throat

When there is inflammation or infection in the esophagus, you may feel pain all over your throat. You must in fact keep in mind that the esophagus is located between the stomach and the throat. It is therefore part of the upper part of our digestive system.

And it is therefore normal that the pain sometimes goes up to the throat preventing us from swallowing normally.

2. Sores in the mouth

Sores and canker sores occur when there is an infection on a part of our body.  Normally, we suffer from infection when our immune defenses are weak. The white blood cells then no longer perform their functions and protect you less. It is then normal for certain symptoms to appear, such as canker sores or herpes.

3. Cough

Cough is the result of dryness and inflammation of the esophagus. It is then necessary to hydrate the area well, but since, as we have seen above, it is usually difficult to swallow, so we cannot drink as much as we should.

4. Heartburn

Inflammation of the esophagus can have different causes including gastric reflux. But also a virus such as herpes, a fungus or even a more serious disease that only our doctor will be able to identify.

But despite all these possible causes, it is common for each of them to have heartburn symptoms, which then go up to the throat.

5. fever

It only takes a few degrees more to know something serious is going on in our body.  Fever is often synonymous with infection. Also, it is then necessary to make an appointment with the doctor immediately. Rather than taking repeated aspirins to lower the fever.

6. Snoring

The inflammation in our esophagus travels up to the throat, making it harder for air to circulate. And thus it causes the snoring that we can have in case of inflammation.

Of course, this symptom is actually quite minor compared to those mentioned above. But if to this is added pain in your throat and stomach, it may start to alert you and prompt you to make an appointment with a doctor to clear this up.

Some remedies to relieve inflammation of the esophagus

aloe vera for inflammation of the esophagus

First of all, it is important to clarify that only your doctor can give you effective treatment to treat an infection of the esophagus. But on the other hand, you can still use natural ways to give your immune system a little boost and thus prevent future inflammation.

1. Aloe vera infusion.

Aloe vera is simply ideal for treating inflammation. This plant is anti-bacterial and can relieve inflammation from the inside as well as from the outside.

We recommend that you drink a liter of water every day. If you steep two tablespoons of aloe vera, you should see some positive changes within a week. 

Be sure to drink this mixture throughout the day and at room temperature, even lukewarm, but neither cold nor hot, so as not to further disturb your inflammation and the pains that result from it.

2. Infusion of ginger.

You may find other natural antibiotics helpful for your inflammation. For example, you can take two cups of ginger tea.

To make this infusion, all you need to do is grate an inch of ginger and let it steep in hot water and then consume it at room temperature.

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