Taking Care Of Your Skin During Menopause

To maintain healthy skin during menopause, we must avoid all types of harmful habits and hydrate ourselves properly, both outside and inside. inside, to nourish the cells.

Menopause is a stage filled with many changes in which a woman has to take care of herself in many forms, both internal and external.

Regarding the skin, it is one of the areas that suffers the most. Indeed, it is particularly weakened during this period of life.

This is why in this article, we will explain how to take care of it and moisturize it.

What Happens to the Skin During Menopause?

Caring for your skin during menopause

A woman’s skin is 25% thinner than a man of any age, but during menopause this proportion increases.

Over time, the skin ages and its main functions are impaired: regulating body temperature, defending itself against sun rays and germs, storing water and nutrients, etc.

If it depends on heredity, genetics and lifestyle in general, from the age of 50, the first signs of aging of the skin appear:

  • Drought
  • Flaccidity
  • Asperities
  • Wrinkles

We can also see greater delicacy, changes in pigmentation, benign formations and vascular dilations.

  • The skin is less hydrated, and this decreases its ability to repair tissue or heal wounds
  • As it contains less collagen, the skin is less elastic
  • Since the body produces less estrogen, the number of cells responsible for the color of the skin decreases, causing spots and lentigo.
  • In the case of the skin of the hands and soles of the feet, it becomes thicker and with more crevices

Skin care during menopause

Hormonal changes can be regulated with medical treatment.

However, there are some habits that a woman must change or improve if she wants to enjoy more radiant and fresher skin during this stage.

Pay attention to the following tips:

Protect yourself from the sun

While the sun’s rays can be dangerous at any age, during menopause the skin does not have the capacity to cope. Remember to use a high index sunscreen, especially in the middle of the day and in summer.

Likewise, it is recommended to be in the sun for 15 minutes a day in order to be able to synthesize vitamin D correctly (which improves bone health while allowing the absorption of calcium, for example).

If your complexion is too white, it is best to use sunbleach (even when the weather is cloudy or cold).

Hydrate during menopause

Stay hydrated during menopause

It is essential to consume between 2 and 3 liters of water per day so that hydration starts from the inside.

If you don’t like water or prefer to drink something else, you can substitute it with natural juices, fruit smoothies, or herbal infusions. However, do not replace it with coffee, soda or alcohol as these drinks have the opposite effect.

Likewise, it is advisable to use special moisturizers for the face and body. In stores, there are many products that are ideal for this stage of women’s lives. Apply them in the morning and evening.


Good skin hygiene is essential for it to be healthier and younger:

  • You must wash your face with neutral soap which maintains the pH of the skin always alkaline and which does not alter the hydrolipidic barrier
  • At the end, make emulsions to leave a protective film. Dry without friction to avoid irritation

Eating during menopause

In addition to using nutritious creams on your skin, we recommend that you follow a balanced diet full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

  • Fruits and vegetables are your main allies because not only are they natural, but they also contain a lot of water and nutrients.
  • Leave out fats, flours and sugars. Say no to industrial and fast food and prefer homemade, natural, healthy dishes prepared with seasonal ingredients

Thus, you will provide your body with everything it needs to protect itself against free radicals which are harmful to the health of the skin.


It is recommended, once a week, to perform a deep exfoliation in order to eliminate impurities, while stimulating cell renewal.

You can use homemade masks that contain, for example, sugar or honey. Thus, you will slow down the effects of time on the face or neck.

Exercise during menopause

Physical activity is very important to keep skin looking radiant at all times of life, but especially during menopause.

  • The practice of exercise is fundamental to eliminate toxins through the pores and to increase skin elasticity.
  • As if that weren’t enough, sport also prevents osteoporosis, improves heart health, reduces stress and provides vitality.

It is therefore essential to do an activity even if it is quiet and relaxed. If you’ve never done one before, start with yoga, pilates, or swimming.

Reduce unhealthy habits

In this category we can mention smoking, stress or alcohol. All of these make our health worse and have repercussions on the condition of the skin.

  • For example, when we smoke, not only do harmful toxins multiply in the body, but we also prevent the skin from having the opportunity to regenerate and stay hydrated.
  • Stress goes hand in hand with other problems like insomnia, which causes dark circles and spots on the skin.
  • As for alcohol, it has negative effects similar to those of cigarettes. Indeed, it brings many toxins that cannot be easily eliminated.

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