The Best Exercises To Have Perfect Buttocks

To have perfect buttocks, it is important that you are consistent. If you don’t have a lot of resistance, you can do a few repetitions of each exercise, then gradually increase them.

Who wouldn’t love to have the perfect buttocks of models, actresses and other celebrities?

When summer arrives, we all try to do our best to have exceptional buttocks.

In the rest of this article, we will reveal the best exercises to work this part of your body.

How to have perfect buttocks

Did you know that the buttocks are the largest muscles in our body? This is precisely why they must be constantly exercised.

Those of you who want a perfect butt should work out at least 3 times a week, for at least 15 minutes each time.

If you follow this routine for a month and feed yourself properly, you should get some really good results.

Here are some of the most recommended exercises to reach your goal.


It is the exercise par excellence to obtain perfect buttocks. There are different types, but it’s best to start with the simpler ones.

  • Stand with your legs shoulder-width apart, then bend your knees as you lower your butt. Remember to keep your back straight.
  • Stretch your arms forward for better balance.
  • Do 10 repetitions of this exercise. After a week, increase to 20 repetitions, then equip yourself with dumbbells to do them, after a month.

Leg raises

Here is another exercise that will help you strengthen the muscles in your buttocks, thighs and calves.

You should rest your hands and knees on the floor, while keeping your back straight.

  • Raise your right leg as if you wanted to reach the ceiling of your room. The soles of your feet should be parallel to the ground.
  • Hold the position for a few seconds, then return to your initial position, without resting your knee on the floor.
  • Repeat 9 times in a row before changing legs.
  • During the second week, do 20 repetitions per leg. After a month, add weights to your ankles.

You can do this exercise while standing and leaning on the back of a chair or on a table.

Lift your leg and rest it on the support you have chosen. Hold the position for a few seconds.

By bringing your leg towards you, contract the buttocks well. Alternate legs, until you do 20 repetitions (then 30, then 40).


During this exercise, it is very important to keep your back straight and that your knee does not exceed the imaginary line formed by the tip of your foot. This exercise is very simple and excellent for having perfect buttocks.

  • Stand with your feet together, then step forward with your right foot.
    Bend your knee as you lower your upper body. Hold the position for a few seconds, then return to your original position.
  • Then change legs, until you do 20 repetitions.
  • For your second week of training, do 40 reps (20 per leg). Get dumbbells for the third week.

The bridge

While this exercise is mostly used to achieve a flat stomach, it is also good for strengthening the thighs and buttocks.

  • Lie on your back on a mattress or on the floor.
  • Rest your feet and hands on the floor.
  • Raise your pelvis as high as you can. Hold your position, then release.
  • Do sets of 15 reps for the first week. Then increase to 25.
  • During the third week, you can add some weight to your stomach.

Side skating

Stand with your feet together.

  • Lower yourself slowly, tilting your hips back and keeping your back as straight as possible. Your abs should be tight.
  • Open your right leg to the side and pass it behind your left leg.
  • Then open your left leg and pass it behind your right leg.
  • Once you have mastered the movement, do small jumps each time you move. Repeat the exercise 20 times.

The jumping jacks

  • Start standing, with your arms glued to your sides.
  • Jump by opening your legs and raising your arms above your head (you should touch your palms).
  • Return to your original position and repeat 9 times in a row.

You don’t have to jump very high to get started. The end goal is that you can repeat this movement at a high speed, to achieve absolutely spectacular buttocks.

Lateral stretches for perfect buttocks

To perform this exercise you are going to need a little practice and balance, but it will get easier and easier as you go about it.

  • Start standing with your feet together.
  • Step to the side with your right foot, tilt your hips forward and flex your knee. Your left leg should now be well stretched.
  • Return to the starting position, and repeat with the other leg.

Mountain climbers

Imagine that you are climbing a mountain, but horizontally.

  • Press the palms of your hands on the floor and stretch your legs, as if you are doing arm curls.
  • The exercise consists of movements similar to climbing, but on the ground.
  • You just have to bend your right knee so that it comes closer to your abdomen, while your right foot lifts forward, while touching the ground.
  • Return to the starting position and repeat with the left knee.

Heel raises for perfect buttocks

This exercise works the entire leg in general, and the buttocks in particular.

  • You just have to stand up straight with your arms close to your body, and get on your tiptoes.
  • Hold your posture for a few seconds, then lower your heels.
  • Repeat 20 times.
  • To maintain your balance, you can use a wall, a bar or a chair.
  • Heel lifts will allow you to say goodbye to the flaccidity of your buttocks.

And voila, you have the perfect buttocks for this summer!

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