The Best Remedies For Kidney Failure

To treat kidney failure you can include certain foods in your diet and use remedies with diuretic properties that make the kidneys work easier. Besides, you can also perform certain techniques that will help you improve the health of your kidneys.

Kidney failure is a condition that affects the kidneys, when these organs cannot filter toxic substances from the blood well. Although the causes are not fully understood, it is known that there is a relationship with the consumption of protein and cholesterol in the blood.

In this article, we are going to share with you the best natural remedies for kidney failure. Discover all the foods, herbal remedies and natural techniques that help fight this disease.

Natural remedies to fight kidney failure

1. Onion broth

Classic onion broth is a great dish for treating kidney failure and any other disease that affects the kidneys. Thanks to its diuretic and anti-inflammatory properties, onion broth will help relieve most of the characteristic symptoms of kidney failure.

In order for the onion broth to be effective, it should be taken on an empty stomach and half an hour before meals. In addition, you will benefit from its great purifying power, thanks to which you will be able to eliminate liquids and toxins from your body.

2. Medicinal infusions

Certain herbal remedies can be of great benefit in improving kidney function. Note them well!

  • Bearberry. Bearberry has the virtue of stimulating kidney function. However, for the same reason, it should be consumed with caution.
  • Horsetail. It is very rich in minerals, especially silicon. In addition, it has the ability to increase the production and elimination of urine, in addition to cleaning the urinary tract.
  • Dandelion. Dandelion is a very cleansing medicinal plant that acts both on the kidneys and the liver.
  • Purple. Mallow flowers improve pathologies that affect the kidneys and urinary tract.

3. The ginger poultice

ginger poultice to fight kidney failure

Ginger is a very effective medicinal food for treating kidney failure as well as many other diseases. However, in this case we suggest you use it topically. In this way you will be able to benefit from its great calorific, stimulating and anti-inflammatory power.

How to make a ginger poultice?

  • To get started, you will first need to prepare a concentrated infusion of ginger. Then, adjust a dry towel on your back, at the level of the area corresponding to the kidneys (between the back and the lower back).
  • Then, place on top of the dry towel, another towel that you will have wet in the infusion of ginger. Finally, cover your entire back with another dry towel and wait 5 more minutes.

4. The suction cups

The cupping technique is an ancient method of healing to cause a local effect depending on the needs of that part of the body. The suction cup creates a vacuum which stimulates the natural healing of the disorder from which we are suffering. Cupping can produce immediate relief but also become an effective long-term treatment.

  • In case of kidney failure, the suction cups are applied just above the area corresponding to the kidneys. For this reason, we recommend that you perform this treatment with the help of a professional.
  • Afterwards, you may have round marks on the skin, similar to bruises. These are temporary and will go away after a few days.

5. Sweating

activate sweating to fight kidney failure

To improve kidney function, it is essential to activate our body’s perspiration. This way, by removing fluids and toxins through the skin, you will relieve kidney function naturally. That way, you won’t need to take any medication to achieve it.

  • One way to increase sweating is to completely wrap your body with towels or blankets.
  • You should not be cold and the fabrics you use should not leave empty spaces or pass air . Then, you will stay wrapped 45 minutes this way so that you can sweat and feel great relief.

6. The fight against fear

Although there are many factors that affect the functioning of the kidneys, we generally do not take into account the role of negative emotions on our organs. In the case of the kidneys, what affects them the most from a psychological point of view is fear.

Just as anger affects the liver or sadness damages the lungs, constant fear can trigger long-term kidney disease. It is true that at one time or another we are all afraid.

However, when we are constantly living in this state and not learning how to channel it or externalize it, fear can make us get sick.

Therefore, if you suspect that this condition could influence the health of our kidneys, try to overcome your fears. You can also consult a professional who can help you live in a more calm and relaxed way.

Since the symptoms of kidney failure can be confused with other common conditions, it is important to watch out for them and seek medical help if you have kidney problems. Good lifestyle habits and a healthy diet reduce the risk of suffering from kidney failure by more than 60%.

However, in many cases it is due to genetic factors. Find out the 10 most common symptoms of kidney failure in this article.

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