The Dangers Of Constipation

If we do not expel all this stuff that clutters us, our bodies will eventually get sick. Because our intestines will be overloaded with toxins, and will no longer be able to perform their functions.

Can constipation be dangerous for our health? It is a very common ailment that we must treat when it occurs, but above all it is very important to prevent. In this article, we’ll explain everything about the dangers of constipation and its consequences for your health.

If this pathology becomes chronic, it can be dangerous for our body. Mainly, because it can cause other disorders, or can make the ones we already have worse.

Constipation: a very common ailment

We’ve all known a time when going to the bathroom gets complicated. For days or even weeks, it is difficult, if not impossible, to be able to pass stool without much pain and with great irregularity.

One of the indicators of these ever more frequent cases of constipation is the development of an entire section of the pharmaceutical industry devoted to these issues.

Are you one of those people who needs medicine to go to the bathroom? It is true that sometimes you may not have other solutions, but it is not recommended to do so.

The ideal is to change your eating habits and your daily behaviors, and thus allow your body to regulate itself.

Too much sedentarization, insufficient fiber consumption, an inadequate diet and a lack of hydration are the main factors responsible for the onset of constipation.

Prevent the dangers of constipation

It is especially women who suffer from it, mainly because of their constitution, because their physiognomy exposes them much more to this kind of troubles.

It is also important to clarify that everyone’s evacuation process is different. We don’t all digest food the same way, and some of us have a harder time doing this.

It is possible to say that normally we all have to go to the bathroom once a day. Evacuation should be normal, without pain or strain. But, as we all know, it only too rarely happens this way, and we are not sufficiently wary of the dangers of constipation.

How do you know if you have constipation?

  • If you have three evacuations per week, or less.
  • At times, your stools are quite watery, or very, very solid.
  • You need to put in a lot of effort to evacuate, at least for 10 or 15 minutes.
  • You feel very bloated, heavy, gas, and your abdomen is swollen.
  • Sometimes you may have a headache.
  • If this condition lasts for more than 3 months, you have chronic constipation.

At what point can we talk about the dangers of constipation?

the dangers of constipation

As you already know, the dangers of constipation are real, and we must do everything to prevent it. Take into account that the fact of not expelling all the substances that our body does not need, is something that ends up making it sick.

Our intestines suffer from the high level of toxins that they are accumulating. This is a risk that we must take into account. Having constipation once a month, or every two months, is normal.

But if the ailment becomes chronic, you need to pay attention to all the symptoms that we are going to present to you, which could point to something more serious going on in your body. Remember to see your doctor promptly.

  • Increased occurrence of very strong intestinal colic which makes evacuations very painful, and which may be accompanied by vomiting.
  • 7 days without going to the toilet, even with the help of medication.
  • Presence of blood in the stool.
  • Alternation between phases of constipation, and others of intense diarrhea.
  • If your stool is very thin, talk to your doctor as this is not normal.
  • Inexplicable weight loss. It is a symptom that something is going on in your body, and that you are losing a lot of nutrients. You must then be very careful.
  • Occurrence of hemorrhoids. Your continued efforts to pass stool end up damaging your gut. You will then notice a growth near your anus, which may contain blood. It is very important to see a doctor promptly.

Simple tips to prevent the dangers of constipation

  • Get moving a little more! How about going for a walk for half an hour a day? The movement will stimulate your bowel movement and activate your metabolism. It costs you nothing and can do a lot for your health!
  • Drink aloe vera, lemon and kiwi juice in the morning. Simply mix lukewarm water with a spoonful of aloe vera. Wait until the mixture is homogeneous, then add the juice of half a lemon. You can vary the flavors by adding kiwi. It is a really delicious, simple and effective remedy!
  • Take a bowl of papaya, nuts and Greek yogurt. You can have it straight for breakfast. It will provide you with fiber, vitamins and good bacteria, which will take care of the health of your intestines.
  • Eat oats and prunes. This is another delicious option for breakfast.
  • Eat brown rice. An ideal solution for your lunches. Brown rice, black or red, is an excellent cleanser, rich in fiber and antioxidants.

Drink more fluids.

  • Whether you consume water, or natural juices, they will allow you to be well hydrated throughout the day, and thus promote intestinal movement, as well as purification.
  • Eat little, but several times a day. Do not miss any of the main meals, especially not breakfast. It is necessary to maintain good eating habits, which will allow the body to regulate itself. It is also important not to eat too much food at dinner. A light, varied and balanced evening meal will allow you to fight effectively against constipation.
  • Say yes to fruits and vegetables! You can prepare excellent salad recipes, or natural juices combining fruits and vegetables.

For example, you can prepare yourself a juice of chard, melon and lemon. Or a carrot, pineapple, watermelon and ginger smoothie. And finally, a juice of watermelon, tomato and basil.

Are you going to follow our tips to protect yourself from the dangers of constipation?

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