These Signals That Let You Know If Someone Is Lying To You

Body language is fundamental when you want to check if someone is lying to you. His body will send you the signals that you need to know in order to be able to trust that person or not.

Finding out that someone is lying to you is very unpleasant. Lies can do a lot of harm and sometimes there seems to be no way to detect this deception. However, many experts claim that  there are methods and techniques to spot lies and liars.

What is important is to take into account the intricacies of the game, the body language and the way people tell something. Much of what we communicate is not in our words but rather in the way we express ourselves.  Body language is therefore, in some cases, much more important than voice or words.

Today we would like to walk you through what you can do to find out if someone is lying to you. Here’s how to recognize the signals that most highlight a phenomenon like lying.

The basis of the lie

a person putting their arms and hands behind their back is one of the signals to lie

Do you think someone is lying to you? Focus on her. Observe it for at least 3 minutes.

  • Watch how she behaves when she is relaxed, pay attention to her posture, facial expressions and the surroundings she is in.

The look

The look can say a lot; indeed, it allows you to know if someone is lying to you or not. However, a look is not always easy to “read”. Indeed, many people can fool us.

The natural and real behavior adopted in a conversation is to fix your gaze for a few seconds and then deflect it for two seconds to look again in the eyes of the person speaking to us.

  • Beware of the one who keeps the gaze a lot or on the contrary of the one who, when he tells you something important, is not looking at anything other than the ground.


When the person is acting nervous and not facing you, they are actually showing you that they don’t want to be with you. She is uncomfortable and is not paying attention to your conversation.

  • The feet are also an important detail: see if they are in line with yours and if they are pointed towards you.

Arms and hands

If the arms and hands are visible, it means the person is receptive to the conversation and interested. The situation seems comfortable and convenient to him. However, if she is hiding her arms or hands behind her back, it means she is hiding something.

  • Check if when she answers a phone call, she turns her back on you and slips away.

Signals that show you someone is lying to you

There are gestures and signals that are repeated in people who are used to lying more diligently. So we’ll tell you which ones you need to recognize. That way, the next time you talk to someone, you can pay more attention and see if any theories hold true. Indeed, we can assume that a person is lying when:

  • Has abnormal behavior
  • Speaks with a lot of pauses and is slow to answer
  • Ask us to repeat the question we asked him
  • Tighten the lips
  • Elude the questions you asked him
  • Has a habit of not cooperating and has a negative attitude
  • Has dilated pupils and higher intonation than usual
  • Avoid giving details about the situation in question

Explanation of lies

lie signals

Lies may be part of us. Experts assure us that all people lie. Even if some do it more regularly than others. However, some people can lie more than others because they:

  • Fear the consequences suffered by those around them
  • Take responsibility
  • Don’t want to hurt a loved one
  • Want to avoid being ashamed
  • Wish to manipulate others

The liar conceals his lies with his abilities. He plays with the ambiguity of the senses and because of his attitude, he manages to falsify information and hide details.

Besides, there will be different types of liars because, as you know, people are different from each other.

You now know a little more about the world of lies. Pay attention and pay attention to these signals we have given you so that you can unmask the liar.

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