These Two Ingredients Will Allow You To Get Rid Of Nail Fungus

Thanks to the components of these ingredients, you will be able to create an atmosphere hostile to the development of fungi and eliminate them easily. You need to be consistent in applying this treatment to get good results.

A yellowish color, the appearance of cracks and itching between the toes are obvious symptoms of a nail fungus.

This condition, which affects one in five people worldwide, is medically known as onychomycosis.

It is caused by the proliferation of dermatophyte fungi. Men are most affected by this condition, although many women also suffer from it.

Its occurrence is linked to a decrease in the immune response, excessive sweating localized in the feet, wearing unsuitable shoes and other factors that facilitate the development of these microorganisms.

Nowadays, dozens of remedies and cosmetic products have been developed to treat this infection, in order to eliminate the fungus and improve the appearance of the nails.

However, most of them are very expensive and do not provide the desired results even when applied continuously.

Fortunately, homemade solutions exist. We can prepare them with basic ingredients to achieve similar results without having to spend a fortune.

In the rest of this article, we will present a combination of two ingredients with antifungal properties, which will facilitate the disappearance of this condition.

Discover this treatment without further delay!

Get rid of mushrooms with just two ingredients

Nail fungus does not go away overnight, no matter what products we can apply. Their total elimination is necessarily the result of improved hygiene habits and the continued use of antifungal remedies.

Baking soda and apple cider vinegar are ingredients that, in general, are found in all kitchens around the world.

They are the ones who will allow you to carry out a treatment to put an end to this unsightly problem.

Both are known in the world of alternative medicine for their high content of active substances which are beneficial for our body.

The properties of baking soda

Baking soda is a white powder that can be used in both cooking and household chores.

It has alkaline, antiseptic and antioxidant properties which are very useful in treating many ailments.

Applied topically, it exfoliates the skin, whitens it and heals infections that may affect it. Its active substances reduce the presence of fungi and prevent them from damaging the surface of the nails.

It is also a great natural deodorant, ideal for neutralizing bad odors caused by the proliferation of bacteria.

The properties of apple cider vinegar for nail fungus

Apple vinegar is one of the most widely used foods to season salads and various other cooking recipes.

It is obtained from the fermentation of apples, a process that releases bacteria and beneficial yeasts, which transform the resulting liquid into vinegar.

It contains malic acid and acetic acid, whose alkaline action can effectively fight many infections.

As apple cider vinegar alters the environmental conditions conducive to the growth of fungi, applying it continuously helps prevent them from spreading in the body.

It also provides significant amounts of bioflavonoids, vitamins, minerals and pectin.

How to prepare this remedy to fight nail fungus?

In this treatment against nail fungus, we will take advantage of the qualities of these two ingredients which fight fungal infections.

First, we are going to use apple cider vinegar. It can be applied directly to the skin or can be used for a soothing bath.

Then we will need to apply the baking soda to complement the effects of the previous ingredient.


  • ½ cup of apple cider vinegar (125 ml)
  • 6 cups of water (1.5 liters)
  • 3 tablespoons of baking soda

How should you deal with nail fungus?

  • Pour the apple cider vinegar into a basin, then add three cups of hot water.
  • Put the feet in this solution and let them soak for 20 minutes.
  • After this time, dry them well and prepare a new mixture, based on three cups of hot water and baking soda.
  • Immerse your feet in this bath for 15 minutes, then dry them again.
  • Give small exfoliating massages while taking these baths so that the products are well absorbed.
  • To completely clear the infection, repeat this process every night. Until you notice a marked improvement in the appearance of your nails.
  • Optionally, you can prepare a paste of baking soda and vinegar, to apply it directly to the affected nail.
  • If you do, you will need to cover your nail with a bandage for the product to work overnight.

Thanks to this method, you will transform the environment of your nail into an acidic universe, which will not at all please the fungi that develop there. Within a few days, you will notice a marked improvement in your nails.

Try this remedy now at home!

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