Tips For Eliminating Dandruff In Children

Dandruff is harmless, but quite annoying. As parents, we can use several strategies to help our children overcome this discomfort. In this article, we’ll share a few with you.

Dandruff in children is a common condition. Every day, the largest organ of the human being, the skin, changes and regenerates itself. Slowly the cells die and are eliminated. Usually you don’t notice them because the cells are very small.

However, sometimes changes in the speed of replacement can occur. As a result, the cells start to break off into larger groups and the problem of dandruff develops.

What is dandruff?

dandruff in children

Dandruff is a skin condition located on the scalp. It causes peeling and itching, with no apparent inflammation. In fact, according to statistics, between 17% and 50% of adults worldwide have this condition.

There are stages in life when dandruff and seborrheic dermatitis occur more regularly, such as during puberty and adulthood. However, this condition can also occur during childhood.

The symptoms of seborrheic dermatitis do not present the same in children as in adults.

Symptoms of dandruff in children

  • Scattered peeling
  • greasy, not dry scales.
  • Mild itching
  • There is almost no redness of the skin (erythema)

Another source indicates that the symptoms are:

  • Red or yellow patches are present and are covered with fatty scales.
  • Presence of desquamation patches with redness in the area of ​​the face and behind the ear.
  • Presence of inflammation and scaling on the skin of newborns (Leiner’s disease).

Why does dandruff occur in children?

Although this disease is a very common dermatological disorder, it is not known exactly why it occurs. However, some interaction has been found between different environmental and physiological factors. Between sebaceous secretions and fungi, among other elements.

Some of the most common causes are:

  • Poor nutrition
  • Overactive sebaceous cells
  • Allergies
  • Excessive sweating
  • Alkaline soaps
  • Yeast infection
  • The stress
  • The climate
  • Very aggressive hair products

Tips for the treatment and elimination of dandruff in children

Conventional anti-dandruff treatments can be a bit harsh when applied to children’s hair. In some cases, its components irritate the scalp.

However, there are other alternatives that  can help control this problem without exposing the child. This includes care and habits.

Here we share 6 useful tips for removing dandruff in children.

1. Stress management

dandruff in children

Babies and children are also exposed to the stresses of everyday life. While stress alone doesn’t cause dandruff, it can make the condition worse. This is because stress weakens the body’s natural defenses.

Therefore, if dandruff is caused by a microorganism, it cannot be eliminated because the body simply cannot take care of the problem.

On the other hand, certain aspects associated with stress also complicate the management of dandruff in children, including excessive sweating and hormonal changes.

So show your child how to relax and manage their responsibilities in a balanced way. This will help her avoid the complications of dandruff and deal with her emotions effectively.

2. Be careful with the use of hair products

There are many products to treat hair that generates and accumulates too much fat, for example: spray, gel, mousse, dryers or conditioners. But they destabilize your child’s scalp. Therefore, sort through these products and use only what is necessary.

On the other hand, when the child goes to wash his hair, he should do it with gentle massages. Scratching too hard can cause injuries that are susceptible to infection, making the condition of the scalp worse. Also, don’t forget to rinse the hair well, as the build-up of hair product residue generates grease.

3. A good diet

The onset of dandruff is linked to a lack of vitamin B, zinc, omega-3 fatty acids and selenium. While there are no strictly recommended foods for treating dandruff, a good diet helps keep skin and hair healthy.

Foods that you can include in your child’s diet are: fruits, whole seeds, red meat, salmon, beans, broccoli, nuts, legumes, among others.

4. Yogurt mask

Yogurt is a good remedy for making hair softer and shinier. In addition, thanks to its active components, it fights itching, irritation and helps eliminate dandruff. All you need to do is apply it as a mask on your child’s hair, with a gentle massage.

Then you need to leave it on for an hour. Finally, wash your child’s hair as usual. We recommend of course to use plain yogurt or Greek yogurt, without sugar.

5. Use of vinegar

dandruff in children

Vinegar is one of the most popular dandruff remedies due to its antifungal and antibacterial properties. Usually, one part of white vinegar is mixed with three parts of water.

Apply this mixture to the hair, let sit for 10 to 15 minutes. Then rinse with clean water. Some people cover their hair with a towel, letting the mixture sit overnight. Then when they wake up, they do the washing.

6. Application of tea tree oil

Also called melaleuca oil, it is known to be a good antiseptic, antibiotic, and antifungal. For this reason, it is often used as a home remedy for treating dandruff.

Just dilute a little oil with water before applying it to your child’s head. Scrub avoiding contact with eyes and let sit for 5-10 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with water.

Is dandruff contagious?

Dandruff is not a contagious or risky skin condition. However, although in some cases medical follow-up is not necessary, it is advisable to see a specialist to prevent dandruff from spreading to any part of the body or the condition becoming more complicated.

Do you know of any other tips to eliminate dandruff in children? Share it with us!

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