Tips For Healing The Wounds Of The Past

To heal the wounds of the past it is necessary to put aside self-compassion, not to constantly think about what happened, to entertain yourself with enjoyable activities and to focus your mind on the future.

It is fundamental to learn to heal the wounds of the past. The deeper marks remain etched with a hot iron, but we have the ability to leave them out. 

At some point in our lives we have all felt immense emotional pain that cannot be explained. She makes us suffer a lot and we have the impression that nothing and no one can help us. However, we have in our hands the opportunity to put aside what hurts us, to heal the wounds of the past and to move forward.

We often put the blame for what happens to us on others. We do not take our burden of responsibility in this situation and we want the other to apologize. Obviously, your feelings are genuine and very strong, but you have to do something: accumulating hatred, resentment and pain is not healthy for you (or for others).

Forget about that situation that devastated, depressed or blocked you. Go through the mourning stage and don’t give it more importance than it deserves. It is up to you to look to the future.

1. To leave the hurts of the past behind you, understand the situation

You may have been injured or abandoned. Which brought you to the present situation. Understanding the situation does not mean constantly rethinking what happened ; it means analyzing what happened and knowing, for example, what are your beliefs about it, why you feel this way, how can you finally move forward,

2. To heal the wounds of the past, accept the fact that it was necessary

At one point, the decisions made help you survive a horrible situation. You protected yourself like any other person would.

But the time has come for a change of perspective. You no longer need self-compassion or pain. It’s time to change the angle of the problem. You are stronger than you think.

3. Don’t resist your thoughts

Self esteem

One of the teachings of meditation is that when a thought arises, we have to blow on it to disperse it, just as we would with a cloud moving with the wind. If we fight against it, it will become stronger and persistent.

Take the test not to think of an appleā€¦ You will spend the whole day thinking about this fruit! The mind can play bad tricks on us.

Therefore, the next time you come up with these thoughts or feelings of a hurt from the past, the best you can do is focus on something else. Turn suffering into motivation. Don’t stay at home thinking about the past. Live in the present and think about the future.

4. Do something that makes you happy

It is certain that when we are depressed or anxious, we are not motivated to do anything. We prefer to spend the whole weekend in bed watching romantic movies, listening to sad music, or crying as we move the trunk of memories.

It is important that when you feel bad that you do something that takes that feeling away from you. Start with something small, like watching fun videos to regain energy and get out of bed. Then take the opportunity to go for a walk with your dog, take a bath or prepare a good lunch. Sometimes cleaning and tidying up the house helps air your head.

5. Leave the calendar aside


Sometimes we feel sadder than usual on a specific date. It’s possible that this was a date our relationship ended or we lost a loved one. Organize something beautiful for those days to make you feel good.

For example, you can go visit a place you have never been, make a date at a beauty salon, meet up with friends who always make you laugh. Don’t feel guilty about going on with your life: you have the right to be happy.

6. Learn

The last step in healing the wounds of the past is to think about the lessons learned that have surely made you wiser, stronger, more powerful and more daring.

The next time you have to go through something bad or depressing, you will have the tools to deal with it and overcome it in the best way.

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