Try These 4 Purifying, Delicious And Healthy Smoothies

For purifying smoothies to be truly effective, it is very important not to add sugar or other refined sweeteners to enhance their flavor. We can add honey or stevia.

In this article, we offer you different combinations of very healthy foods so that you can prepare 4 cleansing smoothies. These will help you flush out toxins, fight water retention, and regulate bowel function.

Plus, these cleansing smoothies are delicious and you can take them any time of the day. Try them out!

Sugar-free cleansing smoothies

These cleansing smoothies are made with fruits, nuts, seeds, vegetables and grains. Despite having medicinal properties, they are distinguished by their excellent flavor.

However, by preparing them, if we wish, we can sweeten them with healthy ingredients such as honey, stevia or coconut sugar.

We can also give them different flavors with vanilla, cinnamon or cocoa.

White sugar not only acidifies the body and harms our overall health, but is also addictive which forces us to taste sweeter and sweeter.

We recommend that you seek the natural sweetness of food (banana, pear, pineapple, etc.) and always opt for healthy sweeteners.

1. Strawberries and coconut

cleansing smoothies: strawberry

This smoothie reminds us of the delicious combination of creamed strawberries but without adding fat, sugar or milk to our healthy drink.

It is one of the most appetizing cleansing smoothies. Give it a try!

The strawberry

Strawberries are a delicious and attractive fruit that provides many nutrients and makes us feel full while emphasizing low calorie content.

  • For this reason, it is ideal for losing weight without stopping eating, while adding flavor and color to any juice or smoothie.
  • In addition, the strawberry has diuretic properties and a high fiber content which promotes bowel function.

The coconut

Coconut is a tropical fruit rich in protein, fiber and fat. However, their fatty acids are very beneficial for the body and even help us lose weight and reduce height as it speeds up our metabolism.

  • This fruit also regulates blood sugar, improves digestion and promotes the assimilation of nutrients.

2. Pear and celery

It is one of the most diuretic cleansing smoothies. It helps us eliminate toxins through urine and fight against water retention.

The pear

Pear is a fruit that satisfies our desire to eat sweets, refreshes us and gives a delicious flavor to the smoothie.

  • It is very rich in silicon, a mineral that is very beneficial for the skin, hair and joints.
  • It also fights cellulite and improves digestion.

The celery

Celery is the perfect complement to pear, as it has a high purifying power that acts on the kidney and liver to facilitate the elimination of toxins.

It is recommended in diets for weight loss purposes because it is very low in calories and promotes diuresis.

3. Papaya and chia

cleansing smoothies: papaya and chia seeds

This creamy smoothie is ideal for purifying the body by regulating digestive function and improving bowel movement in a gentle but deep way.


Papaya is a tropical fruit rich in enzymes which promotes digestive processes, calms inflammation and regulates intestinal transit.

  • Thanks to its beta-carotene content, this fruit is an excellent natural antioxidant.
  • In addition, its seeds have the virtue of fighting intestinal parasites.

Chia seeds

  • Chia seeds, which should always be left to soak overnight, have the property of regulating intestinal transit.
  • They also lower cholesterol and blood sugar levels, and increase our feeling of fullness.

4. Apple and oats

This smoothie is very nutritious and energetic, and promotes both digestion and intestinal transit.


The apple is a very beneficial fruit for health, with cleansing, digestive and antioxidant properties.

  • It helps us lower cholesterol levels, prevent hemorrhoids and reduce the risk of respiratory diseases.
  • If it is an organic apple, we can also consume its skin which is very rich in fiber.


Oatmeal is an excellent cereal for our smoothies, thanks to its high protein, carbohydrate and fiber content.

It has the virtue of giving us energy while balancing the nervous system, and is therefore very suitable for treating nervousness, stress, anxiety or depression.

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