What Does Gas Say About Your Health?

Intestinal gas is a cause for mockery and shame. However, it is a huge source of information that allows us to assess the state of our health.

Among all the digestive problems, the most annoying is surely that of gas or intestinal gas.

They appear at the most inconvenient times and if not released, they produce severe abdominal pain. As well as noises that reveal what is happening inside our body.

Although it is a natural process, social norms force us to hold onto them when we are in public, and a situation like this can make our social relationships more difficult.

However, even if we try to hide them, they  are a great indicator of our state of health. Intestinal gas comes at the end of digestion. They indicate that there is a problem in the process, or not.

As we know, the metabolization of food is fundamental for our physical and mental well-being. It is involved in the strength of the immune system and in the secretion of hormones that help us contain anxiety and sadness.

So, it’s time to start observing them more carefully. Avoid prejudice and stigma. Remember that these are natural phenomena, like sneezing or scratching.

It is necessary to learn to accept the flows and reactions of our organism.

What does gas indicate about your health?

Irritable colon

What does gas indicate about your health?

Even though this syndrome is detected when we go through periods of constipation and diarrhea, the abundance of gas is the first step.

  • The norm is to fart 14 times a day.
  • With irritable bowel, gas is more frequent and the smell is much stronger than usual.
  • If you have noticed a change in this direction, perhaps you should go to the doctor.

Bad eating habits

When you eat too quickly, digestion is problematic. The digestive system does not have enough time to create the acids and juices needed to synthesize food.

  • As a result, gas is triggered along with other intestinal transit problems.
  • When you eat badly regularly, it is very likely that indigestion and allergies will develop, and generate more gas.

Ulcers and parasites

causes of flatulence: ulcers and parasites

They indicate the presence of foreign elements in our organs, injuries or ulcers. In addition, they are often accompanied by burping. Since these circumstances are not the result of habits, if you suffer from these difficulties, you will notice changes in this direction.

Thus, consult a specialist as soon as you detect this alteration. These conditions are easy to treat if caught on time.

Sensitivity to certain foods and drinks

It’s common to think of allergies only when talking about sensitivities. But we don’t always have strong reactions to things that don’t do us good.

Our bodies can generate intestinal gas to tell us that we are not metabolizing a substance well, even if it does not respond to autoimmune rejection.

It is ideal to monitor when these episodes occur, as well as their intensity. Thus, you will discover the origin of the problem.

Side effects of a drug

This effect is the easiest to notice and the least of concern, unless it is not a treatment for chronic disease. This will arise from the start of therapy.

When the disease is temporary, there will usually be no problem. But if it is a long-term treatment, it is better to consult a doctor to see what the alternatives are.

  • It is common for there to be a pharmacological alternative for the same disease, and it will have to be used to have a more pleasant life.

It is obvious that flatulence is very annoying, but you should know that its appearance can prevent a bigger problem from appearing.

Whenever possible, give them freedom and observe them. Do they smell worse than before? Are they more frequent? Do you have times when they bother you and others when they are barely present?

All these data are important to make sure that everything is going well or on the contrary, to warn you that you need to make an appointment with your doctor.

Main image from © fr.wikiHow.com

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