What Is The ABCDE Test In Dermatology?

The ABDCE test is a diagnostic test to determine if a mole or spot on the skin may be malignant. If in doubt, you should always consult your doctor.

The ABCDE test is a technique used by dermatologists to study moles and skin lesions suspected of becoming skin cancer.

Skin cancer is the third most common type of cancer, according to a 2014 study by the National Cancer Corporation . The same study indicates that this disease mainly affects people with fair skin. It also ensures that in more than 90% of cases, the direct culprit is ultraviolet radiation.

This is why preventative habits, such as self-assessment of moles and annual exams, play an extremely important role in the fight against this type of cancer. The study also guarantees that 90% of skin cancers detected in time can be cured.

Therefore, the ABCDE test is an important diagnostic tool. The words “Asymmetry”, “Edges”, “Color”, “Diameter” and “Evolution” constitute the evaluation criteria for this test. Thanks to them, moles and spots are differentiated to prevent one of the most aggressive and dangerous types of skin cancer: melanoma.

The ABCDE test: how to diagnose the dangerousness of moles?

ABCDE skin cancer test
Early diagnosis of skin cancer ensures a very high survival rate in patients.

Some moles are more likely to develop malignant melanoma. This is the case with moles that we have from birth and atypical moles, which are more likely to become clever.

If we do not know how to differentiate moles, we can be guided by the five letters of the ABCDE test.

A: Anomaly

The first letter tells us to look at the shape of the moles. Those that are benign in nature are those that are round and symmetrical, that is, by folding them in half, the two halves overlap.

On the contrary, those that are malignant in nature tend to be asymmetrical and without concrete form.

B: Edges

The second aspect to evaluate is the evenness of the edges of the mole. This characteristic is another clue as to whether he can be clever. When the edges are jagged, with jagged or sharp edges, wavy or poorly defined, the mole is likely to be malignant.

C: Color

Benign moles are the same color throughout their pigmented area. On the other hand, if you find yourself in front of a spot of varied color from one region to another (brown or black, and sometimes even white, red or blue), it is possible that the mole is clever.

D: Diameter

Another important aspect to consider is the size of the stain. If the diameter, which is the distance from one end of the shape to the other, is 6mm or more, they’re probably smart. Benign moles are small.

To easily measure our moles and know how dangerous they are, we can use the eraser of a pencil. This is a very visual way to check it, since the size of the eraser usually has a measurement of around 6mm.

E: Evolution

Finally, the evolution of a mole must be taken into account. If there are gradual changes in its color and size, or other spots appear around it, this is a clear sign that it may be melanoma.

This quick dermatological examination can be performed by you. Also undergo an annual dermatological examination to prevent any type of problem. If you notice any abnormality, do not hesitate to go to the doctor.

In addition to the ABCDE dermatology test and to help distinguish if there are serious health risks, there are other changes in spots or moles that can alert us to the appearance of a melanoma. Some of these changes can take the form of:

  • From swelling.
  • Itching.
  • Bleeding.

Some tips to prevent skin cancer

ABCE test and sun protection
Preventing skin cancer involves applying sunscreen suitable for our skin type.

The main preventive measure is protection against solar radiation and artificial sources of UVA rays. It is important to avoid self-tanning UV booths and to use the correct sunscreen every day.

Here are some steps you should take to try and prevent skin cancer:

  • Do not expose yourself to the sun without photoprotection : you must wear protection with an IP of at least 30. Although that with 50 is more effective.
  • Avoid sunbathing between 12 p.m. and 5 p.m., especially during the hottest times of the year.
  • Do not expose children under 3 years of age to the sun. Protect them with hats and sunscreens appropriate for their skin type.

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