What To Do If You Have Varicose Veins?

Some people, especially women, start having varicose veins at a very young age. 

This is usually due to a genetic component. They can nevertheless worsen because of a poor diet, smoking, too much sedentarization or following pregnancy.

We will therefore explain to you, below, what are the right things to do when you start having varicose veins.

Indeed, if you treat them early in their appearance, you can prevent them, improve your blood circulation and your general health.

Avoid hot water

Even if you are a chilly person, the worst thing you can do if you have poor circulation is to take hot showers.

The more poor blood circulation you have, the more you will increase the feeling of cold you feel on a daily basis, which will seriously aggravate your problem.

The temperature change doesn’t have to be drastic, but you should use less and less hot water so that your body gradually gets used to it.

At the end of your shower, run cold water for a few moments on all the areas most affected by varicose veins.

Little by little, you will feel a feeling of well-being and lightness throughout your body, only thanks to this little trick.

Get active every day

To avoid the appearance of varicose veins, or the worsening of the condition of those you already have, you need to move your body every day.

It’s not always possible to go to the gym every day, but you should avoid those lazy moments that keep you from getting out of your seat for hours.

You can go up and down the stairs, walk to your favorite places not far from your home, do small exercises and stretches at home, go for a weekend walk, etc.

We especially recommend that you find a time to go to the beach, or to the mountains, to walk barefoot in the sand, in the grass or in the river.

This pleasurable experience is not only an anti-stress remedy, it will also significantly improve your blood circulation, while bringing you relaxation and vitality.

An inverted posture

Every day we carry our weight with the help of our legs. We therefore suggest that you perform an exercise at the end of your day that will allow you to do  exactly the opposite, ie put your legs up.

You can do this in different ways:

  • Lying down, you can put your legs on big cushions.
  • Lie down facing a wall, then put your feet on the wall, so that your legs are at a right angle.
  • Perform an inverted yoga pose, placing your body weight on your head or on your back. This exercise can be performed by people who have mastered it well, or with the help of a specialist trainer.

Avoid overweight

Being overweight is one of the most aggravating factors of circulatory problems.

If this is your case, we suggest you to follow a healthy and progressive slimming diet, which will not only allow you to lose weight, but also to feel better in your body, to be in a better mood and to have more weight. energy to achieve all the goals that we offer in this article.

Take care of your diet

To achieve a complete natural treatment, you must act on the outside as well as the inside. You must avoid ingesting certain foods that we are going to list for you:

  • White sugar
  • Refined salt
  • Refined flour
  • Fried and precooked foods
  • Hydrogenated fats
  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Roasted coffee

Conversely, the following foods are particularly recommended :

  • Grape
  • Citrus
  • Watermelon
  • Blueberries
  • Garlic
  • Onion
  • Celery
  • Parsley
  • Tomato
  • Pumpkin seeds
  • First cold pressed oil
  • Alfalfa
  • Nuts
  • Ginger
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Turmeric

Discover natural remedies

To increase the effectiveness of this treatment, especially at certain times of the year when you experience very difficult blood circulation in the affected areas, we recommend that you consume a natural herbal supplement.

You can choose supplements for oral use (capsules, tablets, mother tincture, extracts, infusions, etc.) or topical (creams, lotions, oils, gels, etc.).

Whichever you choose, you should include one of the following herbal remedies, which are particularly recommended for improving blood circulation:

  • Fragon
  • Rosemary
  • Witch Hazel
  • Vine
  • Cypress.
  • Asian centella

Cold gels, sold in pharmacies, are also very useful for immediate pain relief.

Images by sparky, Fabrice Florin and Peet Sneekes.

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