What To Know Before Having A Mastectomy?

Removal of a breast or mastectomy may be mandatory in some cases of breast cancer, and the psychological factor plays a fundamental role in adjusting to this new body.

There are cases when breast cancer leads to mastectomy. It’s not the first option, but sometimes it’s the only one that can save your life.

To fully understand what it is, it is necessary to know what the surgical removal of a breast or part of a breast is.

Writing it or reading it is indeed very simple, but going through the entire process is not, far from it.

This is why it is important to drastically change your perception of breast cancer treatment. So you should know that a mastectomy is a big life change.

Lately, some women who have not been diagnosed with breast cancer decide to undergo this operation for preventive purposes. 

While this is not bad in itself, as it is a very personal decision, it does not make sense if there is not a complicated family inheritance or a genetic mutation that increases the risks.

Here is what to consider before having a mastectomy:

1. Physically, it’s different for each person

The pain may be worse in some people than in others. Depending on your body, you may have a longer recovery than usual, which is usually 12 weeks.

After the mastectomy, you can prepare yourself for having to ask for help at any time. This is why it is important to make sure that someone is by your side.

During the first two weeks after surgery, everything will get complicated.

This procedure will even affect your mobility in very simple things, like opening a bottle of water or doing your hair.

It is completely normal to be afraid of the pain that the mastectomy will cause.

You should know, however, that some women do not experience great pain. In fact, some don’t feel anything after surgery.

Some only feel a kind of oppression, nothing more.

2. Mastectomy can have complications


Mastectomy is indeed a surgical procedure like any other. It is therefore important to know that complications in your body and your health are possible.

Some people don’t find the procedure to be a big deal, compared to the rest of the inconveniences that mastectomy brings with it.

One of them is that the breathing can become shallow and cause pain, and can even develop pneumonia because the lungs have trouble filtering.

You need to take care of yourself in the days after surgery because that is when there is the greatest risk of infection.

Here is another consequence: constipation. It is indeed due to the anesthesia and narcotics given to alleviate the pain and very often, we do not know it.

These drugs can also take us to the emergency room if we haven’t used the bathroom for 5 days in a row.

It is therefore important to speak with your doctor so that he can give us advice. A high fiber diet is a big help.

3. Reconstruction is an option

Talking about reconstruction after mastectomy is a delicate subject that depends on the needs of each woman.

Some people don’t choose breast reconstruction by choice, and others see it as something fundamental to regaining peace with their body.

Although artificial breasts look very nice, some women suffer during the reconstruction process.

Others feel free from back pain if their breasts were very heavy and decide not to have a reconstruction.

In any case, before deciding whether to go for reconstruction or not, it is important to analyze your vital needs. 

Talk about your worries and don’t be afraid of a mastectomy

Mastectomy is a very important stage in your life. Don’t be afraid, but don’t take it lightly either.

Talk to your doctor and, if it is necessary to do it, make sure you know everything about this procedure. Do not have any doubts about the consequences before performing this breast removal.

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