Why Do Carbohydrates Make You Fat?

Not all carbohydrates or carbohydrates eaten in the right amounts make you fat. Moreover, they are not all bad for your health either. Find out about them all in this article and what their nutritional value is.

Carbohydrates or carbohydrates are biomolecular compounds made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. They provide structural energy to living things.

Very often they are called carbohydrates, saccharides or carbohydrates. They represent one of the most important macronutrients in human nutrition.

There are certain foods that have higher and lower amounts of carbohydrates. However, not all carbohydrates are beneficial for our health.

And maybe that’s the reason they’ve gotten such a bad reputation. But, do carbohydrates make you fat? Indeed, they can do this depending on various factors, such as: genetics, poor lifestyle habits and, of course, diet.

However, to prevent carbohydrates from becoming your enemies, find out which ones are essential for health. They are a great source of energy if you learn to match them in a balanced way with your nutrition.

Now, in this article, find out about the different types of carbohydrates and their effects on your health. Also learn to distinguish between good and bad carbohydrates and take care of yourself.

Types of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates and weight gain.

When you consume carbohydrates, your body breaks them down into various types of sugars, one of which is glucose. When this increases in the blood, your pancreas begins to secrete more insulin.

Insulin allows cells to absorb and convert glucose into energy. On the other hand, insulin is also involved in the storage of fat. This is why we talk about bad carbohydrates that cause weight gain.

However, not all carbohydrates are the same. In addition, fiber helps to delay the absorption of glucose in the blood.

As for vegetables, fruits and legumes, they contain both sugars, starches and fiber. These nutrients are the main types of carbohydrates essential for your body. Your body needs these three substances for it to function properly .

Vegetables are essential and healthy carbohydrates. You must include these three foods in your daily diet if you want to lose weight and stay in good shape.

Thanks to sugars and starches, the body is immediately supplied with energy. The body then incorporates them and transforms them into glucose.

However, the only one of these essential compounds that your body cannot change is fiber. It is thanks to the fibers that you also feel a feeling of fullness and this also helps you reach an ideal weight. There are two types of fiber: soluble and insoluble fiber.

Insoluble fiber is the fiber that allows your body to eliminate waste on a regular basis. While soluble fiber promotes cholesterol control but also the glucose level produced by sugars and starches.

Why do we need carbohydrates?

Now that you know the importance of essential carbohydrates, you can take better care of your health.

Carbohydrates, in addition to providing energy , help you in other areas and promote your well-being and general health.

In addition, carbohydrates have the ability, among other things, to:

  • Reduce the risk of constipation
  • Increase satiety for longer
  • Promote the intestinal flora
  • Prevent colon cancer

So carbohydrates are not your enemy. In fact , they are an essential and vital part of your daily activity.

The key is knowing how to consume only quality carbohydrates and in balanced amounts.

Why do carbohydrates make you fat?

Why do carbohydrates make you fat?

An excess of carbohydrates has a direct effect on excess weight gain. High levels of starch and sugar in the blood cause an increase in calorie intake and, as a result, overweight. The excess consumption of carbohydrates will therefore promote weight gain.

It is certain that an excess of carbohydrates will automatically promote weight gain. But, if you reduce their intake, you can also cause counterproductive effects.

This is the case with ketosis, for example. It is a metabolic state in which fat provides most of the fuel for the body. It takes place when there is limited access to glucose (blood sugar), which is the preferred source of fuel for many cells in the body.

It is a disease in which fat is treated as if it were energy. Ketosis is most often associated with very low carb ketogenic diets. It also occurs during pregnancy, infancy, fasting, and starvation.

When this effect occurs for several days, you may be at risk of suffering from:

  • Dizziness
  • Bad breath
  • Strong odor when urinating
  • Loss of muscle mass and calcium
  • Arrhythmias
  • Heavy sweating

Now you know why the phrase “balanced diet” is so popular. The key lies, among other things, in the proper balance of carbohydrates. For this, you will have to monitor their consumption so as not to overdo it but also to promote their regular intake.

Try to include as many foods as possible that contain good carbohydrates in your diet. In addition, also reduce or eliminate the intake of foods containing carbohydrates less favorable to your health.

For this purpose, we are going to tell you which foods you need and which you should avoid.

The best foods with carbohydrates

If you want to lose weight, these are the foods you should include in your daily diet.

They are rich in fiber, but they will also give you the necessary energy thanks to their essential level of sugars and starches.

  • Pineapple
  • Oats
  • Integral pasta
  • Complete rice
  • Potatoes
  • Quinoa
  • Legumes

Pineapple intake is based on fiber, so you won’t be hungry for several hours. Oats are also known to provide fiber but also control cholesterol levels.

Rice and whole- grain pasta are immediate sources of energy and provide more fiber than other versions. Steamed potatoes provide potassium and vitamin B6.

On the other hand, quinoa, poor in starch and sugars, is a carbohydrate rich in fiber and protein. While legumes such as lentils are essential nutrients for their supply of vegetable protein and folic acid.

Worst Foods With Carbohydrates

For your health, you should prioritize a higher intake of fiber, but also control starch and sugar. If you are on a diet based on the following foods, carbohydrates can make you fat. By avoiding them, you will take care of your health:

  • Processed fruit juices
  • Energy drinks
  • Sugar coated cereals
  • Energy bars

All of these products are powerful sources of energy and some of them are well known to the general public. They are often recommended to promote rapid energy intake. However, juices and energy bars are foods that you should preferably avoid.

Processed fruit juices are only water and glucose because the fiber in the fruit has been lost in the processing of these products. The same goes with cereals, energy drinks and granola bars.

These products contain little fiber and high glycemic content which does not promote your well-being or your weight.

Final tips

You need to learn to be responsible for choosing quality foods, getting fiber, sugar and starch. Do not remove them from your diet, but rather control the quality and quantity. The more a food is a processed product, the less it contributes to nutritional balance.

That’s why it’s important to educate yourself on how you can cut down on bad carbohydrates. In addition, you must learn to incorporate the good ones on a regular basis in your diet. 

Consider that you need to achieve a daily intake of carbohydrates in each meal. Also, remember that a balanced diet requires an exercise program to maximize the full benefits of the diet. 

For more information, consult your doctor, who can guide you on the ideal diet according to your needs. If in doubt, you can also consult a nutrition specialist.

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