Why Is Hydration So Important For Our Health?

We should never forget that when we are thirsty our body is already suffering from dehydration. We should therefore drink water regularly, at least one liter a day, to avoid suffering from dehydration. Find out today in this article why hydration is so important for our health.

“I forget to drink water”, “I’m not thirsty”, “I don’t like the taste of water”, “No, thank you, I prefer sodas” . If you say some of these phrases on more than one occasion, this article is for you. Today we explain to you in this article why hydration is so important for the health of our body.

As we all know from elementary school, between 65% and 75% of our body is made up of water. This is why hydration is so important for staying healthy. Water consumption is vital for every living thing. Also remember that if you practice a sport or a demanding job, you must step up measures to ensure optimal hydration of your body.

Indeed, lost fluids must be replaced regularly to ensure the proper functioning of the body and prevent possible complications or health problems. Discover today in this article the reasons to always stay well hydrated and how to achieve it in the best possible way.

Reasons why hydration is so important

Every day, our body loses fluids through sweat, urine, stools, and other bodily fluids. Especially if you are exercising constantly or in hot weather, you should take special care to stay perfectly hydrated.

Many people think that they can hydrate their body by consuming sugary drinks or fruit juices. Although at the time these drinks calm the sensation of thirst, their compounds are far from being healthy for the body. Nonetheless, water is still the best drink to keep our bodies hydrated and healthy.

Did you know that in addition to alkalizing your body, starting your day with a glass of lukewarm water or lemon you can boost your productivity for the rest of the day? Early morning habits can be fundamental to improving health and staying fit throughout the day.

With this in mind, we will now explain the 7 advantages and benefits of maintaining adequate hydration. Write them all down and follow these tips carefully.

1. Hydration improves brain function

Hydration improves brain function

Drinking lots of water makes your brain work faster. It also promotes memory and also improves mood. In contrast, dehydration reduces cognitive abilities, attention, memory and the ability to concentrate.

The brain is the main organ of the human nervous system. Indeed, it controls the majority of the activities of our body. It is able to process a large amount of information. In addition, it constitutes the seat of our emotions and cognitive capacities. Of our short and long term thoughts. Of our memory and our decision-making.

If you want to increase your performance, avoid headaches, develop your skills perfectly, and have more ability to resolve conflicts quickly, you need to keep your body hydrated. You will be much more mentally alert if you drink enough water. Water therefore allows the brain to function faster, which is why hydration is so important for staying healthy.

2. Hydration releases chemicals from the body

With sweating, especially when you exercise, you lose magnesium, potassium, and sodium from your body. If you don’t replenish the lost minerals, you could experience fatigue, muscle weakness, cramps, and spasms.

By drinking water, you not only fight chronic fatigue, but you also facilitate the distribution of essential molecules and other elements throughout the body. This includes the removal of toxins and wastes that can affect your internal organs and the start of metabolic processes. It’s no secret that being dehydrated can increase feelings of fatigue.

Remember, water carries nutrients and chemicals through all of your organs, tissues, and systems. If you don’t hydrate properly, you won’t be able to provide your body with the nutrients it needs. For this reason, you need to hydrate yourself on a regular basis.

3. Hydration helps cleanse the arteries

As we all know, prevention is better than cure for health problems. If you ingest enough water throughout the day, you can maintain healthy blood pressure levels. In addition, it will also facilitate the elimination of waste accumulated in the cells.

Dehydration, on the other hand, can easily cause low blood pressure and an increased heart rate. If you want to avoid the problems associated with these conditions, you should not forget to hydrate yourself properly and on a regular basis.

However, excessive fluid intake can also have negative effects. Drinking too much water or any other liquid can overload the urinary system and increase the risk of inflammatory problems and infections. The body is not intended to process anything in excess, even if it is water. The recommended amount may vary depending on age, weight, habits and weather.

4. Hydration maintains body temperature

The body is very intelligent. When your body warms up, water plays a fundamental role in sweating through self-regulatory mechanisms. Drinking water on an empty stomach helps regulate body temperature, which in turn improves the transport of nutrients and oxygen to cells.

In order to balance the increase in body temperature, the sweat glands secrete a fluid that enters the skin when excess heat begins to build up. If you don’t drink enough water, your performance will be even more affected.

5. Hydration facilitates the elimination of toxins from the body

Drinking enough water helps flush out impurities and substances that the body no longer needs. In addition, proper hydration keeps the liver healthy. This is one of the organs responsible for expelling toxins, as well as the kidneys.

Water on an empty stomach eliminates waste accumulated in the kidneys, stimulating the expulsion of toxins through the urine. Drinking water on an empty stomach is one of the keys to hydrating the lymphatic system and avoiding straining the suprarenal gland, which is responsible for producing cortisol, a hormone that helps the body respond to stress.

The consumption of water is one of the keys to ensure proper functioning of the renal system, which is responsible for converting fat into energy, and preventing it from accumulating in the body.

The importance of maintaining this good habit is so vital that in Japanese culture, for example, drinking water on an empty stomach is common. This helps to detoxify better and prevent many health disorders such as heart disease. Indeed, one of the best habits that we can adopt on a daily basis is to drink a glass of water, on an empty stomach. It may not seem important, but it is certain that the fact of drinking water right after getting up, is the best time of the day to consume this liquid so precious to our body.

6. Hydration improves kidney function

Getting enough water helps your kidneys to function properly. Proper hydration eliminates waste in urine. This helps, among other things, to avoid ailments such as the dreaded kidney stones.

To eliminate toxins and wastes from our kidneys, it is important to stimulate the functioning of our lymphatic system by drinking enough water. If your kidneys are not healthy, calcium will not attach properly to the bones. Some of the possible consequences of this condition also include the following disorders:

  • Increased risk of anemia and heart attacks
  • Accumulation of acidity in the blood
  • In the case of women, this can lead to imbalances in menstruation

hydration helps take care of kidney health

7. Hydration aids digestion and evacuation

If you suffer from constipation, increase your water intake! Poor hydration slows down the digestive process and therefore slows down the passage of stool through the intestinal tract.

Constipation occurs when solid waste passes slowly through the large intestine. If it is longer than usual, the stool becomes hard and problems appear during evacuation. So avoid these troubles by drinking a lot more water throughout the day.

How do you know if you are dehydrated?

You already knew the reasons why hydration is so important for your health. Now we also want you to learn how to identify the signs of dehydration. If you don’t hydrate properly, your body will show you different symptoms. Some of them could be the following:

  • Extreme dryness or dry mouth
  • Less urge to urinate or urine may turn dark in color
  • Headache or dizziness
  • Dryness and lack of elasticity of the skin
  • Drowsiness or a lot of fatigue
  • No tears when crying
  • Excessive heating of the body
  • Chronic constipation

Important recommendations for staying hydrated

There are some things you need to know and remember to maintain the habit of consuming healthy fluids (water, natural fruit juices, etc.) on a daily basis:

  • Avoid drinking too much water. Drinking 2 liters of water a day is enough for your body to function properly. Drinking more water than directed could cause other health problems.
  • Create schedules to hydrate yourself regularly. If you have difficulty remembering to drink water, you can set alarms on your cell phone and record fixed times. You can even use specific apps that will remind you to drink water regularly.
  • Always take water with you. Make the bottle your faithful companion and your best friend. Get into the habit of putting at least a quart of water in your bag so you can drink it during your day.
  • Add natural flavors to the water. If you don’t like water, you can add a slice of lemon, mint, cucumber, apple, or basil. There are many ingredients you can use to make flavored water that you can make at home.
  • Drink water regularly when you exercise. If you play sports, you should hydrate yourself before, during and after each workout. Do this of course, without exaggeration, because excess is bad.

Remember that keeping your body healthy is first and foremost on proper hydration. Make a habit of drinking water and other healthy liquids, your body will thank you. body.

Find out why lukewarm water with lemon is a drink that contains interesting medicinal properties thanks to its contributions of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals.

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